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Not Too Exciting
Yohimbe & Wormwood
Citation:   McWyrm. "Not Too Exciting: An Experience with Yohimbe & Wormwood (exp4643)". Feb 6, 2001.

  oral Yohimbe (tea)
    oral Wormwood (tea)
I have recently experimented with yohimbe and wormwood together, as suggested by Rogue Psychonaut. I made two attempts, but I did not experience anything I would call 'psychedelic'. I don't think I'll try again.

Initially, I made an infusion using 2 tablespoons each of wormwood and yohimbe, and 1 tablespoon each of skullcap and ephedra. I steeped these in about 1 quart of water for around 15 min. (sorry I can't be more precise). The resulting mixture tasted awful, but so does espresso - I managed. I felt nothing for about an hour. Then I started feeling a bit warm and tingly. I felt like my heart was beating extremely rapidly, but I did not count beats, so that might have been just paranoia. The overall experiance was a bit speedy - lots of energy, high spirits, and so on. The effects lasted 5 or 6 hours, and I did not have trouble sleeping that night. I did not have sex during this time, nor did I feel any special urge to.

I tried again, this time using only 3 tablespoons yohimbe and wormwood in 1 pint of water. I also added 500 mg of vitamin C (I've read that this makes the chemicals in yohimbe easier to absorb). I boiled the mixture for 20 min. and let it cool. This tasted even worse, but there was less to drink. The effects were more pronounced and I started noticing them right away. I noticed that my eyes were *very* bloodshot (they're not normally). I became rather uncomfortable about my heart rate, so I laid on my back and breathed slowly through my nose. That helped a lot. I did have sex that night, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, although that night and the next morning I did have some rather persistent and random erections. I also had trouble getting to sleep. I drank the stuff at about 8:00 pm and was in bed by 12:00 - I may have fallen asleep by 2:00 or so.

As I said, I doubt I'll try the stuff again. It wasn't especially unpleasant, but I didn't think it was worth the effort.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2001Views: 30,259
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