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Too Little, Puked too Soon
Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   A. Coe. "Too Little, Puked too Soon: An Experience with Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp46167)". Jul 7, 2009.

  oral Mimosa tenuiflora (extract)
    oral Syrian Rue (extract)
I obtained 28g of Syrian Rue seeds and 28g of Mimosa Hostilis root-bark through ebay. I wanted to make enough for 3 people, and I decided on a dose of 3g of syrian rue and 8g of mimosa. Since I didn’t have a scale, I used the highly scientific method of halving to get 3g of syrian rue. I dumped out the package, halved to 14, halved to 7, halved to 3.5, and then took away a little bit. For the mimosa, I just removed a large piece of bark and hoped it was about 4g.

I was too lazy to boil two things at once, so I put both ingredients in a coffee grinder, grounded the syrian rue to dust, and the bark to stringy fibers and put it in water with 500mg of Vitamin C. I put it on a slow boil for 20 min, let it cool, and strained the whole thing through a shirt. I added more water to the goop left over and boiled for 10 more min. I strained it again. I was left with about 25 oz of ugly brown liquid. I boiled it on high for about 30 min until I was left with about 11 oz of the liquid. I poured it into 6 shot glasses. 2 per person.

We waited until it cooled and then dosed at 4:15. It tastes like shit so we chased with OJ. I had only eaten some yogurt that day, and we all had maintained a diet appropriate for maois for the past 24 hrs.

Jon downed both within a minute. Josh and I had one shot glass each and waited.
T+00:17 - 4:32 - Jon pukes 7 times. Josh and I don’t finish the rest of ours because we are pussies. We had about half of our decided dose, so about 1.5g of Syrian Rue and 4g of mimosa hostilis.

I am extremely nauseous from t+30 to t+2:00. I try to puke, but cant. After two hours, dizziness is gone. I feel fine, my stomach is a little upset, but it might be from not eating. I have a hamburger. None of us have any effects. We all feel completely normal.

Two lessons from this story: If you puke too soon, you won’t get any effects. If you don’t have enough, you won’t feel any effects.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46167
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2009Views: 8,049
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Huasca Brew (268), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Syrian Rue (45) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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