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One More Night
Lactuca spp.
Citation:   LaBlue. "One More Night: An Experience with Lactuca spp. (exp44528)". Nov 10, 2005.

2.0 g smoked Lactuca - L. virosa (dried)
I want to start off this report with a quote. 'To fear it, is to repect it.' I fear all herbs and I am cautious about them all.

Mind set: A little stressed from the day and excited about my prospect of finding a local herb shop and the thoughts of a continued supply of herbs to experiment with.
Time frame: it was at 22:00, I got done eating 4 slices of pizzahut and a chaser of cranberry juice. And watching Iron Monkey and chatting online with my sister.

Preparation: I removed all the stems from herb and hand crushed it so I can better use it with zigzags (I also always use filters).

1.Smoke: during the first joint I noticed that the smoke was thicker then what I'm use to and I was amazed that I was able to completely inhale it without difficulty *is it possible the herb has a numbing effect to the throat?*.
1.Effects: no noticeable effects except the possible numbness of the throat. I expected the filter and saw that is was dark brown... Much darker then a cig filter after use.

2. Smoke: the second joint held some effects. A very slight body numbness and a tingling feeling around the face (feels like it was coming from the third eye). A slight desire to lay down. But complete control of the body and mind was still there. The effects lasted for 10 minutes and afterwards I continued on in my normal night life (but for safety's sake I refrain from drinking and using other herbs and drugs that night). I went to sleep and stayed a sleep until my alarm clock woked me (normally I'll wake up a few times before my wake up call).

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2005Views: 27,843
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : Alone (16), General (1)

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