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I Thought People Were Just Nice
Citation:   isabella. "I Thought People Were Just Nice: An Experience with Cocaine (exp43629)". Jan 16, 2007.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine
Everywhere you go, you see people you know or that you don't, and hear people talk that you either know or don't. I myself doing drugs for years since early childhood hads a rude awakening 2 years ago in the summer.

I was so happy that I had one year left of high school and I was 'done'. My friend since childhood 'Faith', had just moved into an apartment around the corner from me with her older cousin and her child. One night I went over to play cards and mybe smoke some pot and there were two guys there. They were not Faith's friend but her cousin's. They offered me lines and of course being broke I said yes. It was least I thought. When that ran out her cousin suggested all of us go up to one of the guy's house. We agreed and I went hom to get a bathing suit ( there was a jacuzzi). I only was in it for a short time when were got there and got changed because I felt uncomfortable. We did more and more and more coke and thee was still a ton left. I had only done coke 3 times prior to this and before it wasn't even more than 3 lines.

When we left to go home, one of the kids rode with us and said he was going home too. Instead he walked me home. I felt wierd but you know how it is on coke you don't want to be mean to anyone. He kept giving me more and more and when I was on the computer checking something he pushed me over onto the couch and started to have sex with me. I kept saying no no no no but he wouldn't listen and there was nothing that I could do to stop him. He was way bigger than me and I was far too messed up. He did it to me more than once that night/ early morning. He even did it with a cucumber that he took from my fridge. When he was going to leave his friend was to pick him up and his friend raped me too. I never thought it was going to end and it finally did.

I never told my parents or the police because of being such a troubled teenager and all the things I did to my mother I couldn't help but save her from this type of pain. She would leave me home every weekend so she could go to camp and this is what her baby did. Got high and raped. So everytime I hear people talking about drugs I tell them not to do them and I silently remember what happened to me....I never graduated either. If I don't know who they are I shake my head and wish to God I never did them in the first pleace because it would of never happened to me

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 43629
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2007Views: 23,854
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Cocaine (13) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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