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First Time With the Gravity Bong
by mike
Citation:   mike. "First Time With the Gravity Bong: An Experience with Cannabis (exp43429)". Apr 11, 2021.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Setting: It was the beggining of summer and I went up north without my parents to visit my couzin's. One of my couzins rooms is in the basement were no one can hear you at 2am. I had never smoked pot before, but have always been interested in trying.

Experience: Finally after a couple of days being there, my couzins and their friends offered to smoke me up, it took a couple days because for some reason I was always to nevous to ask. We first went to jesuses houses to pick up 1/8 of an ounce of bud(yes his dealers name is jesus).

Then we went to my couzins friend house and put it in a grinder and rolled two joints. There were 6 of us in their minivan and we went to this house that was in the process of construction and smoked the joints. I dont think I was inhalling right, but I was still caufing alot. I didnt fell anything, but every body else was high and happy. I was kind of bummed I didnt think it was going to work.

Then we stopped back at their house and picked up a glass bowl and went to an empty parking lot and hot boxed the minivan with two bowls. Still I didnt feel it, now I was really disappointed. My two couzins and I went back to their house for the night.

We still had like 2 grams left, So my couzin made a gravity bong. They first showed me how it was done. After they had taken a hit, it was my turn I took it and a 2liter bottle filled with milky, white, dense smoke was forced down my lungs. It hit me so hard I fell on his bed and was caughing for 5 minutes. That was the only hit I took that time and man that was all I needed. We went to watch a movie and I started feeling extremly weird like I had never felt anything like it before. I could feel my heart beatin and pumping the blood through my body. The blood was sent all through me and gave me an extreme euphoric feeling. The Euphoria would build up so much I would have to twitch to get it to go down. My couzins were all looking at me weird and stuff like are you ok and stuff, but I had never been better it was amazing after waiting all these years I was finally high and it was much better than I expected. It soon got uncomfortable to sit on the wooden chairs, so after like an hour I thought I should just lay on the carpet. Then I passed out and I woke up the next morning in the same place I had layed down the night before with my baby couzins playing with their toys right on top of me. Later when my couzins woke up they told me the night before that I had passed out, they were screaming in my ear and even hit me in the face and stomach and I wouldnt wake up. So they just put a blanket over me and went to bed.

That was the first time I have been high and now I've been smoking a year and do not plan on stopping.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 43429
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2021Views: 749
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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