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A Positive Experience for Me
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "A Positive Experience for Me: An Experience with DHEA (exp42956)". Oct 21, 2006.

50 mg oral DHEA (daily)
I have taken it semi-regularly for almost 8 yrs. I started by taking only 25mg's for about three weeks, and then upped the dose to 50mg's once a day. I usually take it with food and few other vitamins as well. What I noticed was subtle. (i.e. When I discontinued taking it for a few weeks and then took it again, the things I observed returned.)

First, I noticed that I began to feel a bit better overall, a sense of well-being. I also noticed that I would feel more sexual. This is not a placebo effect. This sexual feeling returned when I started taking it again after discontinuing it for a time. I observed no effects on sleep, eating, strength, or anything overt. But I did feel a bit 'restored' and a vitalized. I am in my mid 50's. I first started using DHEA in my mid 40's. And I can say with some certainty that, for me at least, consistent use over a period of, say, two or three months seems to exert a marginal, but real influence.

As I said, the response to my body is not overt, but I am quite certain that some restoration of hormonal balance is attained and as such, I tend to feel more youthful when I use it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42956
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2006Views: 18,995
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DHEA (171) : Sex Discussion (14), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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