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Wiser Bud
Lactuca - L. virosa
Citation:   Shouldaknown. "Wiser Bud: An Experience with Lactuca - L. virosa (exp42097)". Erowid.org. Mar 29, 2007. erowid.org/exp/42097

5 joints/cigs smoked Lactuca - L. virosa
I should have known this stuff would no way compare with the real deal. I ordered this junk from this web site that had several products that was an 'ALTERNATIVE' to smoking the mean green. This substance was advertised as their number one customer favorite. All I can say is these people must have a very low threshold for a 'buzz'. I would make this conclusion as to the differences. Smoking marijuana in comparision, would be like making out with Pamela Anderson, and smoking this lettuce opium would be like making out with your 98 year old granny. NOT worth the effort for me anyway. There is a reason these web sites advertise it as 100% legal 'buds', rose buds are 100% legal too and you can't get high from them either. I'll stick to what works for me regardless of our idiotic lawmakers and their testing.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42097
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2007Views: 15,512
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