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What? This spice does that much?
by A.J.
Citation:   A.J.. "What? This spice does that much?: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp405)". Jun 29, 2000.

1 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (powder / crystals)
This was my first time trying nutmeg, i heard about it on the web and thought, what the hell. So i went to the supermarket and bought a nice sized box of whole nutmeg.

Hour 1: Took entire tablespoon at 1 p.m., very hard stuff, hope it's worth it. Around 2 p.m. started feeling very stoned (but without the red eye and dry mouth!)

Hour 2-4: feeling VERY stoned. sat and chilled out for a while. very light, calm hallucinations beginning.

Hour 4-6: pretty nice closed eye visuals going on, very focused daydreams when i try.

Hour 6-8: stoned feeling starting to subside, oh well. More closed eye visuals going on. At first i thought these may be acid flashbacks, but they are too unlike an LSD state of mind.

Basically, the effects of hour 6-8 carried on until i went to bed. I woke up the next morning with a very pleasant buzz still going. Plus, i don't think i've had a better night's sleep. All in all the nutmeg was worth it. Not something i would do on a regular basis, but maybe just a lazy summer day experiment to try again. With proper music and state of mind, the nutmeg can be fun.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 405
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2000Views: 34,211
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