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Against Emotion
Citation:   Demonfire. "Against Emotion: An Experience with Escitalopram (exp38652)". May 10, 2006.

10 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (pill / tablet)
Well, Ive been hearing about the massive amounts of controversy going on over ssri's and I have been throughly pissed off about how underinformed doctors about the side effects, but this really isnt about that.

I decided that if I was going to say poo to ssri's, then I should at least try one from an objective standpoint. (I am still off baseline as I write this).

T 0:00: I have swallowed 1 off white colored lexapro pill in hopes to better understand ssri's.

T 0:30: I am noticing a little bit of abstract thinking (which is fairly normal for me, but more abstract than usual). Im feeling a little sedated.

T 1:00: Im getting the feeling that this pill is more of an anti-reality or anti-emotion drug, as it slightly shifts reality onto a different plane. One where saddness and happienss mattes less, and euphoria is non existant. Im getting some electricity running through my body every minute or two. Very sedated, yet my mind is very fast. Would be nearly impossible to be productive right now.

T 2:00: I have become temporarly bi-polar. Every few seconds I will shift from being reasonlessly happy to depressed. A bad headache is starting right now. Sinuses are fine, although smell is a little, how should i put it, more pungent. Peak effects are definaly reached right now and I am feeling unusally lovey and remorseful.

T 3:00: Coming down or something like it. Mildly stimulated, pupils the size of quarters. Jittery, somewhat destructive thoughts at times, still kind of bi-polar but to a lesser degree.

T 6:00 Mildly happy, but reality for teh most part is back to normal. As no changes have happend in the last 2 hours, I will sign off here.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38652
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2006Views: 18,725
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Pharms - Escitalopram (304) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47)

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