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I'm Burning Up
Vitamins - Niacin
Citation:   Danimal. "I'm Burning Up: An Experience with Vitamins - Niacin (exp38311)". Jun 28, 2006.

2 tablets oral Vitamins - Niacin
This experience happened in about 10th or 11th grade. In between classes my partner in crime and myself took a couple of pills of niacin. We had no idea what they did or what they were for but just took them. Bad idea. About 10 or 15 minutes into class my body started itching and burning. I was feeling really uncomfortable. The girl sitting next to me who happened to be really cute said my skin was starting to break out. At this point I still had no idea it was the niacin. I said to the teacher I wasn't feeling very well and he agreed by looking at the red blotches all over my face and said I could go to the office.

At the exact moment I stepped out into the hallway, my friend, who was in the classroom about three doors down came running out. We both went to the bathroom, looked ourselves over and had both agreed it was the niacin we took. Laughing hysterically at how stupid we are but yet still worried about our health we decided it would be best to go see the school nurse.

The nurse had no idea what niacin was. Not a very bright nurse I guess. She gave us a cool watered down towel to put over our face and told us to relax for a few. After about 45 minutes the burning and itching sensation had subsided. Finally, we were free to go.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 38311
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2006Views: 12,491
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Vitamins - Niacin (230) : School (35), Difficult Experiences (5)

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