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Opening my Eyes
Citation:   Foothill Freida. "Opening my Eyes: An Experience with LSD (exp37631)". Nov 28, 2006.

T+ 0:00
5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It had been decided. The five of us would trip together. My not yet husband and I, and 3 close, experienced babysitters. We didn't see them that way, but that's what they were.

We drove up a familiar dirt road, into the mountains. Mr. K lotted out the acid (on blotter strips) about a half hour into the drive. Ten hits a piece for he and Mr. B, seven hits for Ms.C and five a piece for my husband and I. Five hits was a healthy dose. Especially for a couple of first timers, but our conditions and company were ideal so intensity wasn't a worry. Like I said the others were experienced and respectful trippers so they dosed according to their known tollerance and personal whims.

(6:40am ish?)
So we've eaten the acid. For some reason I was a bit nervous and wouldn't swallow the paper. I chewed until it simply disapeared from my mouth. It took about thirty/fourty-five minutes before we found a place everyone was happy with. Far enough a way from the road to avoid anyone disturbing us (or vise versa), and on a slope with an appropriate view of the city. The view was really quite spectacular and the sun was about 20 minutes away form rising.

As soon as we had set down our orange juice, and weed and whatever other little things they brought, Mr. B and Ms. C began to set the mood of the trip. I don't know if they did it on purpose or if it was just their keen acid instinct, but they knew exactly how to focus our attention on the rise of the trip without really focusing us on it at all. Rather than letting the acid hit us like a ton of bricks (which it tends to do) they suggested that we see certain things.
'Look at the tracers the grass makes...'
'If you can look at the sun...'
'Do you see the different colors in this bush?...'

At first no. Not really. But this process of looking for differences in my perception before the trip started was a gentle glide into the experience. It was like a subconcious little meditation that they were privy to.

The sun was amazing. I saw it as a ball of fire. Not just a bright yellow circle. Pulsing, throbbing, pure energy. So I start playing in the dirt a little. (+ 1hr) Just poking at it with a stick and pulling up tiny roots. I saw how the spruce were one big organism. Not seperate trees, but individual sproutings from an ancient root system covering the entire mountain range. Seperately, individally experiencing parts of one mass.

Our friends kept us focused on some of the more amusing aspects of LSD. The hightened visual experience. The goofy nature of reality. The hysterical laughter that seems to accompany the trip. The way time feels. Or doesn't feel. Thinking back they treated us a little bit like children. Which is good for the newbie.

Every possible reality opened to me. Some scared me and some thrilled me. Sometimes the idea of more than one reality became quite frightening. Other times it felt quite spiritual. Our babysitters stood infront of the negative and eminated positive. The way you might save a child from a horror movie until they are mature enough to understand it isn't anything to be afraid of. The movie still exists, but not to the child. They saw the importance of the initial positive experience.

My trip was mostly mental. I did have visuals. For example, there were a lot of jets out flying that day. Military, commercial, whatever. We would all stare at the sky together when they flew over. I could see the air split in front of a little fighter jet...the way it pushed throught the sky. It looked like the under side of a speedboat in the water at a few hundred miles an hour. Brilliant spirals of translucent color trailed the engines of a banking cargo plane.

When we were all very still and quiet, I would watch the wind splash against the foothills and follow its tide up the mountain for about fifteen seconds before it reached us. A bee. Glistening pollen. I could see every spec on the tiny legs. It had a fuzzy body that I really found funny. I threw a couple big sticks and watched them crash. I admired the crystals on some very nice buds before we smoked them. The weed tasted fantastic (+3 hr?)and it gave you quite a head high. The orange juice we brought would give a nice boost. The citris was really pleasant tasting and I could feel a little vibration in my spine for a few minutes after each swallow. A lot of color...not so much seen but percived. Like direct infusion to the brain without wasting time with the eyes.

I wasn't sure how to act around the other trippers. It was like being a loud drunk at wine tasting at first. I could sense that there was a way to deal with this, but had no concept of how. I just reacted. We laughed in a merry-go-round for quite a while on several different occations. I cried once. Time didn't mean anything. I gave up caring when I asked the time after what seemed like an eternity from the first time I asked and the minute hadn't even changed. The second time I asked, it had been two hours in what felt to me like two minutes. I marvled at the concept of it for a moment and mentally moved on.

Like I said, my trip was mostly mental. Or psychic I guess. I came upon bits of infused knowledge. Simple things that an older, wiser person could have called common knowledge, but to a twenty year old was a great time saver. A lot of the things that came to my mind were confusing at first, or even in direct contrast to a (childish) firmly held belief that I thought so superior. Most of what I recieved durring the trip didn't process until later. I mostly saw how wrong I had been. I saw what a spoiled little primadonna I had become. How I DID judge despite my rightious belief that I was a fair person. Where and how I took advantage of people. And the result of continuing life in this deluded way.

In the end the whole thing was wonderful. We stayed on the one mountain and talked and laughed for about 8 or 9 hours. The trip was very safe and private and nurturing. Ms. K even went to work at six that evening and did just fine.

Acid opened my mind to everything. The fall of ego can be terrifying to SOME people. I see it as a healthy realignment of perception. Even if I had a bad trip...who cares? Could anything that bad actually happen to me? Or would I just whitness to the greater workings and possibilities of the mind and the universe? When a kitten is kept in a back room until it is an adult, the sudden introduction of the front yard may yeild two responses...

fear and retreat to the saftey of the known.
or curiosity and intrest in the possiblities in the unknown.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 37631
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2006Views: 8,289
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