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Aboriginal Dot Painting
Citation:   Lom Mack. "Aboriginal Dot Painting: An Experience with Wormwood (exp37200)". Oct 5, 2004.

2 tsp oral Wormwood (tea)
So I hear that absinthe is made of wormwood and that by brewing wormwood tea and ingesting it, it is quite possible I'd end up rather high. So, after a trip to my front garden (where my mum happens to have two big arse wormwoods growing) I opened a chrysanthimum tea bag and mixed it's contents with some wormwood leaves and then stapled the tea bag back up. I added honey (lots!!!) and skulled the foul tasting concoction. Almost immediately I noticed that the Aboriginal dot painting on the wall looked different. It kind of started moving but it wasn't and I could see it wasn't. I felt relaxed after about ten minutes as though i'd had a sizable dose of codeine (a favourite of mine). I didn't feel giggly but I was quite chilled and I experienced slight visuals not unlike those detailed in other experience reports on this site. All the colours I looked at seemed brighter and were kinda trippy without actually looking any different than they usually did. I think wormwood has a lot of potential and I plan to investigate its effects further with larger doses.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2004Views: 26,519
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