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Extraction is Easy
Syrian Rue
Citation:   Stropharia. "Extraction is Easy: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp31833)". Mar 10, 2008.

3.0 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
I've read a number of reports giving elaborate extraction methods for Syrian rue. After some experimentation, I discovered that simply boiling the whole seeds in plain water for 30 minutes gives a perfectly good yield. I don't think there's any point doing anything fancy to get that last little bit out -- the seeds are legal and cheap. 3 grams extracted this way gives me enough MAOI activity for ayahuasca use. It may even be possible to shorten the boiling.

My exact procedure is:

1. Measure out 3 grams of Syrian rue seeds.
2. Put them in a pot.
3. Put 300-400 mls of water in the pot.
4. Cover the pot, place on stove, and turn stove on.
5. Bring to boil.
6. Simmer 30 minutes.
7. Strain.
8. Drink.

One can easily assess the quality of the extraction by using a UV light. Harmaline glows under UV, a very beautiful colour that seems both bluish and yellow at once. The brightness of this glow indicates the concentration. If you put some seeds in a glass of cold tap water, you will soon see little glowing trails emerging. It doesn't take much to get it out.

Hope this saves someone time and trouble.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2008Views: 18,717
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Syrian Rue (45) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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