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Reminds Me of What I Saw in Acid
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   gggiiimmmppp. "Reminds Me of What I Saw in Acid: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp31649)". Aug 3, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:15 25 mg oral 2C-I  
  T+ 0:59   repeated smoked Cannabis  
Friday night I took ~25mg of 2C-I with a friend. This was eyeballed by dividing 100mg into 4 piles. I know that eyeballing is discouraged, but 1/4 of a small pile like 100mg is not an incredible undertaking. As of last night I have ordered a gempro diamond scale and 1000mg of 2C-I, so I won't be eyeballing anymore. It was both of our first time with any of the 2Cs. Here is what I have assembled from notes on paper/computer and my memory of the evening:

Just smoked a bowl in the lightbulb vaporizer, waiting for my co-tripper. I am more excited than apprehensive, but indeed a bit of both. I am impatient to get the 2C-I into my system, but I have been since I ordered it a week ago.

On hand I have 2 orders of honey barbecue wings and some other shit I stole from work and a bunch of gum for food…. For entertainment, my music library on the laptop linked to the tv and 5.1 system with milkdrop (also, the wizard of oz dubbed with dark side of the moon, now that I think of it). I also rented 2 DVDs, live shows by Hendrix and led zeppelin. The hookah is on the deck packed with nakhla mixed fruit tobacco (don’t trust myself with burning charcoals in the house when im tripping), and plenty of weed and paraphernalia is laying around. It is nice and warm out (for march anyway) so wandering around is an option. I live by the beach so we may well end up there.

I took mine mixed with orange juice, and chased with more orange juice. He took his wrapped in tissue paper (called it a parachute). He is now rolling up 1/4oz into two blunts.

I don't have any more timestamps for the next 3 hours because the laptop was hooked up to the tv, and to tell the truth the time was not on the forefront of my mind. After we smoked the first blunt we were quite aware of something different, and could tell that we were something, but it wasn't tripping and we couldn't manage to put our fingers on it. My friend (who I will call Jason) said he felt like a roll was teasing him. Toward the end of the blunt, after lots of shotguns and playing with the smoke and such we went inside. I can't speak for him but I was beginning to become aware of visual distortions, though I hadn't yet started anything I would call tripping. Jason commented that it was more of a depressant trip; I characterized as being darker (versus forcefully positive as shrooms can be) but this was not at all a bad thing for me.

We packed the hookah (brought it inside, despite fire hazard) and turned on the hendrix movie. I wasn't prepared for it; it was live videos of hendrix interspersed with interviews from the 60s with hardcore acid junkie spaced out hippies, speaking in crazy hippie terminology. It was hilarious. Hendrix was incredible, as always, and his extravagant clothing made the live bits visually quite nice, as I was beginning to trip quite nicely at this point. We were both laughing comfortably, and making fun of the voices and speech patterns of the people on the DVD. Hendrix was always humping something on stage... I remember a bit where his manager or something was talking about standing behind the amp to hold it up while hendrix fucked it from the other side. This is noteworthy because I was tripping, and undoubtedly high as hell at the same time, and I could still understand what I was seeing and hearing on some level.

After a while of this (we didn't finish) we went to get food; I tried a wing and didn't enjoy it at all. It turned to little bits in my mouth that I couldn't quite get down completely, and resulted in my mouth feeling unclean. I rinsed with water and it was fine. I'm not sure exactly what jason ate, but it was his idea to come up to eat in the first place.

Back downstairs, I put on Infected Mushroom & Yahel - Live in Tokyo with milkdrop. It was incredible. Occasionally after a particularly intense series of visuals we would find it safe to exhale and both find ourselves laughing at what we had just seen. We had something of an argument after a while (though not the angry sort, just 'you go get it', 'no you go get it', etc) about who was going to go get the second blunt from the kitchen, because we agreed that it was an opportune moment to smoke it but neither of us wanted to stop watching what was on the screen. I think at this point we still weren't peaking, but we thought we were and were trying to make something of it. After the blunt, Jason, for some reason, decided to go to sleep. I switched to The Wizard of Oz synced with Dark Side of the Moon at this point.

HOLY FUCKING CHRIST. I didn't even watch the whole thing, as it was overwhelming. Kansas was in full color. Dorothy came out of the screen when the camera was zoomed on on her; everything in the background merged and swirled. When she was on the fence balancing, I saw around her machines and gears and the like (my mind's interpretation of the angles formed by the fence and such) and new people in the background. When she fell from the fence, and 'On the Run' began, I took in a breath of shock and couldn't exhale for a minute, I was so involved and what I was seeing. All in all, this was the most incredible thing I have experienced on psychadelics. It was amazing.

After a while, before oz I know, I got up from this, possibly a bit overwhelmed, and went upstairs. I had a few to go salads I had saved from being thrown out at the end of the night at work, so I prepared one with italian dressing and it was delicious (not to mention, it looked cool as hell when I put on the dressing). Unlike the chicken the salad was quite good, I guess all being somewhat cold and moist and going down together without leaving bits and pieces in my mouth to hunt down. Around this time I found a pencil and paper, on which I made my first note '4:40: Writing is very difficult. 2C-I reminds me of what I saw in acid. The level to which I am involved in what I am experiencing is unparallelled.' I also made several notes indicating that the salad was quite enjoyable, and at the top of my first note is 'Shatner != Shayer.' Take that for what you will, I have no idea.

I had dug out some books of art in preparation so I started leafing through them, and they were incredible. I opened to 'Bay of Naples' by John W Carmichael. This was a scene of an expanse of water with several boats, with a huge volcano on the far bank, smoking and ejecting flames from the peak. I could see the water moving and the boats rocking; I could hear the sounds of the sea, and I could see the smoke billowing from the volcano in the distance. A few pages later began a series of floral arrangements which were amazing; I could see each individual petal moving in a gentle breeze and could smell the aromas.

At 4:45 I made the note 'I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Though the mindset it much darker than what I am used to it is not forcibly depressive.' At 5:07 I wandered outside and decided to take a walk, so I grabbed the end of the second blunt and took the dog for a quick walk down the street and back. The moonset was incredible but I was more concerned with my dog, who was quite amusing to me. She is a beagle, and doesn't get many walks these days because we have a fence and a dog door, and was obviously enjoying herself incredibly, just going down the road smelling everything. I compared her to myself, deriving incredible pleasure from basic sensations.

At 5:46 I was back and had found my notepad again. I made some jasmine tea and made the note 'I'm not sure that I want this to end but at this point it is clear that I am experiencing a crash. ... Whenever I think I'm almost done tripping I find an entire surface that is moving of its own accord.' At 5:51 I took two calmplex capsules, some crap my mom brought home from somewhere that helps to take the edge off of an Adderall crash (Ingredients: Avena Sativa, Chamomilla, Humulus Lup, Passiflora, Valeriana, Coffea Crudum, Ignatia). I began to feel tired, though still wide awake. I made my way back to the computer, where I continued my notes from before the trip:

I’m back, two notepads later. The sun is rising, I should take pics. In fact, I will go do that now.

I have taken pictures. I will copy them to the computer and try to propagate them now.

My stomach is somewhat queasy. I am thirsty. I thought I might be getting a headache a bit ago, just a here and there headache like I get when I am crashing from adderall. Interesting headspace; pleasant, still enjoyable, though displaying clear signs of a crash. Not the most intolerable crash I have experienced by far.

By 7:30 I had been incredibly unsuccessful at sleeping and managed to amuse myself for a while until Jason woke up, around 9-10. Despite sleeping through most of it, he said he was still tripping (a bit more than me from his descriptions, probably due to his metabolism slowing down while sleeping). I have no idea how he was able to sleep on it. He was still amazed by it; he rolls a lot, and described something that happens when he passes out on e and wakes up with an incredible body buzz bordering on orgasm, and he said he had it every time he woke up through the night and it was incredible. We smoked a bit more weed and got some food, and were both incredibly positive about the experience. By 11:30 or so I had managed to get to sleep and he left my house.

In conclusion... I can't wait to try it again. This was quite possibly my most enjoyable psychadelic experience ever, and 2C-I has jumped to the top of the list of my favorite hallcinogens. In retrospect I would characterize it as a very unique experience, every bit as immersive as LSD and almost as clear as shrooms. If I haven't already expressed it sufficiently, I had a fucking blast.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31649
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2004Views: 12,164
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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