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Synergy with Nausea and Visuals
Cannabis & Alcohol
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "Synergy with Nausea and Visuals: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp30402)". Dec 6, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:20 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 3:30 6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 4:10 4.5 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
T+0-5min.: two friends and I smoke a conservative bowl of decent pot from my bubbler.

T+1hr20min: enjoying a relatively mild, controllable high, I drive to a party with friends and have one beer which affects me a lot for one beer, presumably because of my heightened senses.

T+2hr10min: (approximate because of time distortion) we drive back to campus and eat in the CUB. We relax with the tv and computers at the coffeeshop.

T+3hr30min: we drive back to the party where my friend decides he wants to not drink more, but to be designated driver and smoke again. Within an hour and change, I drink 6 beers. I'm feeling pretty good and very functional. I can carry on conversations and my coordination is decent, but I'm clearly drunk. My high from the pot can no longer be identified through the drunkenness.

T+4hr10min: we drive out and smoke again, a mixture of his schwagg and some very nice nugs. I take 4 or 5 hits, but the last one or two are resin hits smoked by laying the flame on the tar and shit at the bottom of the bowl. As usual, the last hits of that tar-like resin blow me away for a little while. My friend drives us back to the campus parking lot, but on the way we begin to feel heavily the effects of the pot.

T+4hr25min: I experience extreme racing thoughts. I see closed eye visuals resembling a rainbow starfield in a strobe light. My body rocks back and forth with the rhythm of the flashing images in my head. I rap off thoughts without control and at a pace unlike any other. I start rambling about the intensity of my high. My words run together and each syllable is stressed deliberately, even splitting words up to their component sound segments, and the ideas thereby isolated, I feel as if I am expressing thoughts perhaps never expressed before. The ideas in my head are so void of connotation and ambiguity that the set and setting of the car and its occupants becomes drastically changed. I explain that what I'm having is somehow different because of the closed eye visuals and breakneck pace of my racing thoughts. 'A' begins to experience presumably a similar high as myself, and I attempt to watch him while also enjoying my own high. His body convulses and he speaks in a tongue unknown to himself. I respond in another language to his sounds.

Our exchanges freak the third party, but only because he doesn't know our languages; did I just say that? I continue to rock forward and back while speaking rapidly and seeing things. My equilibrium shot, I begin feeling a little nauseaus. I throw up the cheese pizza, but continue to have closed eye visuals. When I open my eyes, I perceive the twisting world in front of me in stereoscopic, beautiful detail. 'A' switches tongues and continues to convulse. He cannot respond to sean, and sean worries about him. 'A''s breathing seems safely contolled, so 'b' and I leave him alone. My mind races even faster when perceiving the near infinite detail of a face or the upholstry, and I become naseaus again. For that reason, I close my eyes. I remain in this naseaus black tunnel of projection screen eyelid movies for at least 20 minutes. The visuals never became clear, but had intense colors and some shifting, gridlike patterns, meanwhile, 'a' is coming down and he drives 'b' back to his residence hall. I lack the coordination to walk or the desire to, because I want to continue focusing on the still-enjoyable high with which I have burdened myself.

Eventually 'a' leads me back to our residence hall, and the walking combined with cold air helps my nasuea, despite the dry heaves contradicting my reported improvement in condition.

T+?(major time distortion): I climb into bed and sleep soundly. Now, at 9am the next morning, I still feel some aural distortion effects of the high and grogginess from the alcohol.

Conclusion: given the choice to go back to last night with a guarantee that I would have the same experience if I drank those beers, I would accept. In retrospect, we decided this was not like a paranoid freakout. We all remained calm despite our inability to control the situation. I've seen a paranoia freakout complete with yelling, hysterical girls, and this was a wild, but totally individually focused trip--not a freakout. Truly, this was a high that could not be endured repeatedly, but it taught me to be careful with beer and pot.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30402
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2004Views: 13,029
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Overdose (29), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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