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Energy Producing Visions
2C-E, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   sepulfreak. "Energy Producing Visions: An Experience with 2C-E, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp30287)". Feb 2, 2004.

16 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    smoked Tobacco (plant material)
Experience: Second time with 2C-E. I also have experience with Mescaline, 2C-i, LSD, LSA, Mushrooms, Salvia, DXM, Ketamine, MDMA, Methylone, and Cannabis as for the 'mind' drugs.

Mindset: Very good mood, ready for the experiment.

Method of dosing: Liquid measurement with distilled water.

Trip Dose and Duration: 16mg, 5:30PM to 1:00AM

Medications: None

It all started at friend A's house around 5:30PM. The sun was almost completely down. B, A, and I ingested our 2C-E up in his psychedelic bedroom in the attic of the house. B and I took 16mgs, and A took 12mgs. Then we were off to his dock.

The lake is a beautiful place. There are about twenty to thirty people that live along the lake and have their own little docks. We used to party at A’s dock alot, and now it has become a popular tripping location for us. We felt the first alert of the 2C-E within 15 minutes of ingestion. Then we realized how cold it was, so I drove us back up to A’s to get gloves and a backpack to carry the water and Nitrous we had with us. When we went back to the dock, we left the car and started walking down a hill past the lake into the campgrounds. We were feeling the effects of the drug come on as we spotted a path that went around in a circle. We chose to walk it, and I mentioned that when we walked around the circle, and returned to the point where we first started, we would feel like “something” happened. We never made it back to the starting point because we ended up back on the main dirt road. I felt an awesome 'calm' feeling. I was starting to trip, but it wasn’t coming on strong. A said it was “the calm before the storm.” Being that it was his first time, and it was my second, I assured him that there would definitely be a storm.

We were talking about how strange of a transition it is from reality to the psychedelic world. No one ever really remembers how they walk into it, but they remember how it left them. It’s so strange.

As we walked, we approached X’s Mom’s house. X is the owner of the lake. We had to silently walk past a trailer that had its lights on. We must have looked quite hilarious practically tip toeing across that part of the road so we wouldn’t be spotted. We weren’t allowed down there at night.

Next we found a metal bridge that went across the creek from the lake. We stood on the bridge and smoked some Cannabis. This started off the trip. A started talking about someone who experienced something on LSD where the ice made him think he was caught in a huge spider web, and there were huge spiders everywhere. I started to feel the same thing. I looked up on the hill into the woods and saw a huge spider creeping off of it like the one in “The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King.” My next visual was of snakes. 2C-i and 2C-E both produced a reoccurring visual of logs and such turning into snake totems or visions of real snakes morphing and crawling around. The vision has somewhat of an Egyptian or Amazonian theme to it. Soon, we ended up at a picnic table slightly off the path where we were walking. I was the one that spotted the table, and it created an illusion to my friends that I just made it “appear.” A had turned on a Pink Floyd album, “A Momentary Lapse of Reason” on a headset he had in his backpack. He had a speaker for it so we all could hear. The music was far in the background, but it was at a perfect volume.

Everything was going along with the music in perfect connection. The vibes and sensory distortions were amazing. I sat at the table we were at and had such strong closed eye visions, that I felt completely normal. For a moment, I felt like I wasn’t even tripping. Then I opened my eyes and saw how distorted reality really was. It was almost frightening, but only for a second. The Phenethylamines never had a fearful push for me as some of the other psychedelics have.

We then got up from the table as I saw a railing with wooden stairs leading down to what I thought was the creek. I could barely even tell what the railing was. We waddled over to the stairs and looked down them. It was a magical staircase, but it was only made up of five or six stairs. I felt really strange walking down them, and to my surprise, the creek was not there. It was just level ground. However, the creek was not far off, and I walked away from the group to go sit by the creekside. I sat on a log right next to the creek and started watching the water ripple. I suddenly didn’t know if my eyes were open or shut and I had drifted into a vision. I was on a boat in a river, and my back was rested against a wooden pole in the center. The setting was daylight in a “far away” land. This land was a place that seemed unearthly. I was fishing off of the edge of the boat until I heard my friends calling me. The voices were first a part of the vision, but my mind slowly drifted back into reality and I heard the voice shift from the vision to the real. I walked back over feeling a complete oneness with nature.

The next thing we did was smoke more Cannabis at the table where we were at before. I then, now that I was peaking, took out my nitrous and took a couple inhales. This was the first time I had used Nitrous Oxide in combination with a psychedelic drug other than Cannabis. When it took hold, time literally seemed to freeze. The darkness of the night lifted, and the background behind my visuals was no longer black, but white. It reminded me of what Salvia does to me with a reasonable dose, but with more comfortability. I could do nothing but burst into sudden laughter. It was awesome. Though it did seem to diminish my psychedelic experience for about fifteen minutes after it wore off.

Next, we began to walk back. We walked past a shelter house, and I got an incredible visual. The small shelter house turned into a chapel, and I saw people dressed nicely walking into the church. The vibe was totally unexpected. I felt like I was no longer at the lake, but at church for a moment. I remember stopping to stare back up into the woods, and there seemed to be paths swirling up through the trees and ground. A mentioned something about how the tree branches were making mushroom patterns, and immediately I saw a vision of gnomes in the woods in little huts. There were also huge Amanita Muscaria mushrooms. It was a mushroom village like those seen in posters or again, something like in “The Lord of the Rings.” I have been watching those movies alot lately, and that could be why I have been having visions similar to images in the movie. The trees seemed to have energy surging through them as if the earth was providing an immense electrical wave. Large vines grew up slowly along all of the trees in my vision and morphed into ivy as it swirled around the tree branches. As it reached the edge of the trees extending into the night sky, the energy turned into butterflies, and then into birds and flew away into the darkness.

Then we came upon a grill. When anyone normally thinks of a grill, they think of food, or heat. Obviously it was winter, and it was very cold outside. The grill, though not in use, seemed to be radiating waves of heat from it. It actually felt like it was warming our bodies. I rarely get sensory distortions like that. Then I pictured hotdogs on it, and it reminded me of my girlfriend, who is always into food, especially when we trip together. Something always gets brought up about food for use to laugh about.

The next thing that happened was probably the most awesome part of the trip. There was a relatively small, frozen puddle of water. The ice on it appeared to be black. Me and the others stared at it, and referred to it as a “void.” It was a hole to us. We stepped onto it, and it gave us some of the strangest feelings I think we’d ever experienced. We were walking on the void. Then, we all stepped off of it and started at it once again. Shortly after, we were on our way back when we saw the bright light from the phone booth in the distance. The phone booth was located in the picnic area of the park. We walked over to it and it felt like we were in a movie and we were running a scene. The booth was one of the old style phone booths and I walked inside of it and picked up the phone. I heard the dial tone, and all of a sudden, I felt like I was on camera. It gave me a weird vibe, so I exited the booth. On the way back up the hill, we saw water falling from up on the hillside. It looked like a huge waterfall. About ten yards from that, there was a huge icicle mound on the side of the hill. We all stood there staring at it, wondering if it would speak. What would it say?

Finally, we were back to the car to enjoy some music and smoke some more Cannabis. While listening to the songs by Enigma, “Celtic Dream,” and “Endless Quest,” I experienced the unexplainable, a +4 on the Shulgin scale. It was a connection to God, a perfect being that I was staring into the face of. I will just leave it at that. It was an inward, personal experience. Then we started to listen to King Crimson, and the vibes and visions began to flow again. At this point, A was passing his wooden, Indian Tobacco pipe to us. He was getting amazing sensory effects from it. I am not a Tobacco smoker of any kind, but I decided to hit the pipe. It went totally along with the music. I loved the feeling of putting the pipe to my mouth, and feeling the pleasant tasting smoke enter my body. The Tobacco lit up in the pipe as I inhaled, and I watched the smoke gently roll off of the top and form shapes. There is no way to explain that feeling either.

We then were listening to tribal music and doom metal. We began to stare at my car freshener which has a vivid picture of a fairy kneeling in autumn leaves. Our minds began to create patterns within the picture. At one point the fairy took on an absolutely beautiful, untouched form, and preceded to morph into a scene of death, where there were worms feeding on her rotting flesh. At that point, A saw the same exact thing. He looked at me and said he saw “death” within the picture.

The end of the 2C-E experience has always been very introspective for me. It is quite enjoyable. I started thinking about A’s character. He is a really interesting and “psychedelic” person. Other than my girlfriend, he is one of the only people that thinks alot like me, and trips like me. He was talking about how his pipe is magical and has sentimental value. He says, no matter how hard he trips, his pipe is always the same. It never distorts. Since he said this, I looked at his pipe, and I couldn’t get it to distort either. It was strange. He says that it is always real, and he finds comfort in it in times of fear during psychedelic experiences. I began to talk about visions that I have seen during other psychedelic experiences of mine, and it was bringing them back to life.

During the way home, after I dropped A off, me and B were having really deep conversations about life and past problems. We were getting really deep into things, and we seemed to be gaining knowledge from our trips. I was, again, noticing the similarity 2C-E has with Mescaline, but 2C-E seems to have a more technical edge. I also stopped at my girlfriends house on the way to drop B off. Also again, I began to notice the MDMA type qualities 2C-E has at the end of the trip. My girlfriend, surprised to see me, jumped halfway out of her window to hug me. Her hug was very warm and comforting. It was very sensual. I felt really connected to her, and I hadn’t been with her the whole night.

The next day provided an awesome afterglow. In conclusion, 2C-E is very close to my heart, and was the perfect next step on my Phenethylamine list. I found that it had surface similarities to 2C-i, but 2C-E takes the mind and visual field so much deeper. It is definitely one of the most intense psychedelics I have ever used thus far, yet it hasn’t seemed to cause much fear or instability. ..Another very worthwhile experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30287
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 13,880
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