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Great Karmatic Joke
Citation:   Shimkus. "Great Karmatic Joke: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp30163)". Jul 15, 2013.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Background: 20yr old male,120 lb. Quit smoking tobacco 6 months ago, rarely drink alcohol, binge on cannibus every other month or so, done a gram shrooms, a total of 14 hits of lsd, had only one real good trip. Many bottles of tussin, and 2 experiences with dxm in crystaline form. Induced temporary insanity by injesting a bottle dramamine,tripped for a night, Nutz for a week, just not right for the rest of the month.

I recently moved to a small town, I know noone, can't find anything. I recieved 500mg of 5meo-dmt in the mail the day after thanksgiving of 2003. This is a report of my experiences from that day through today, January 19, 2004.

I had been really skeptical of mail order drugs since I had a few failed attempts with foxy and salvia d, but after reading everything I could possibly find about 5meo, I figured it was fool proof. Although I was extremely nervous about trying this experimental chemical, I wasn't afraid to do it alone as long as I video recorded my experiment. My first two attempts at vaporizing an estimated 10mg 5meo in emptied light-bulbs fell short of what I thought the experiance should be. This took place in a flourecent lit storage room above my garage. This method was ineffiecent in vaporizing all the 5meo in the bulb as it ran from the heat. The effects were like an electical buzz simular to a 9-volt battery stuck to your tounge, not to mention a horrid spraypaint like aftertaste.

After a week of soberity I resorted to making a foil spoon that had a tube for a handle. Confident that this chemical isn't going to kill me, I prepare a vomit proof pallet in the floor of my bedroom. Just in case if the worst were to happen, I wanted it to be easy to clean up. My room was rather dark with 2 blue party lights and a single candle at farthest wall. I walked around in circles for an hour until I calmed my nerves and gathered enough guts to try again. I knelt on the pallet, exhaled, put the tube in my lips and immedalty applied a flame under the foil spoon and began to inhale. I lost a small puff so I sucked it in quicker. It boiled down to a chared splotch. Once I had it all held in my lungs I set the foilspoon and lighter aside and laid down. I could feel the drug before I finished taking the hit. I held it in as long as I could and exhaled clear air. I had absorbed the whole hit.

Still a little nervous I try to give in, I let the sounds of Shpongle take over and take a deep breath. By the third deep breath after taking the hit, I am so enveloped in the thought ' I did IT! '. I had a grin on my face going from ear to ear, I felt a teardrop fall from the corner of my eye. I was so happy that I succeeded. I laid there in the floor for maybe a half hour smiling and looking into blue, amber, and goldish patterns on my ceiling. The voice in my head didn't seem like it was the one I've always had. Were these my thoughts or was it a divine voice. It told me secrets of existance, gave affirmations of things I already suspected, and something about a 'great karmatic joke' that I can't reveal to anyone else, or else! After pondering many ponderings, I felt a little nausous, had minor jaw clenching, and went to sleep around 2:30 a.m. The next day my head felt a little funny,I wasn't my usual sharp self. My daily activities were no more difficult than normal.

I continued to use 5meo about once a week until christmas. I took a trip to my old town to share this chemical with friends and to celebrate the new year. The first brave enough to try it was a girl I'll call Jam. Approximatly 180 pounds, 21 years of age. She was rather nervous about try something new, I explained the what she might expericance, the chemical origanlly comes from toad venom, take a deep breath to relax, and when your ready take your hit and hold it. We were at a good friends home, black light lit room, all sorts of posters and do-dads on the walls, shpongle playing, just smoked some shwag. I feel I rushed her into it because apon exhaleing her hit she crouched forward from her seat on the couch, exclaiming that it was the worst feeling she had ever felt, began weeping and crying. Now 2 minutes after the hit, she leaned back onto the couch and cleared her eyes. She thanked me and gave in to the tryp. She sat there happily ever after for another 45 minutes and then asked if she could do it again. I (being shocked and amazed) said maybe in a day or so. She was kinda mad that it killed her high, so I made ammends by packing another bong load.

That night I crashed at Jams appartment. After she and her roommate had went to bed I prepared myself a larger than normal dose, somewhere in the 13-20 mg range. I'm pretty sure I blacked out a few minutes after takeing my hit. I remember stare'n at their flowers and ceiling with much amazment. I rolled over on the couch thinking to my self, Ooh My, I then came to, I was no longer on the couch, but sprawled out sitting up-right, arms and legs wide open on the love seat, I must of been ready for love (chuckle). The table in front of the couch had been pushed twards the center of the room, about 2 feet from the couch. My spare change that was neatly stacked was now scattered on the table and floor. Jam's roommate came out for a 4am ciggerette break, I'm still very much tryp'n, foil spoon still on the table. She sat on the couch lit one and asked me what I was still doing up. Responding took a few seconds, I replyed, 'I don't know'. She sat there smoking, looking at the table. I apoligized for the mess and told her I'd clean it up.

The next day Jam's ex-BF would try 5meo. I don't think he's ever done a psycedelic other than too much pot or one small foxy dose. After takeing his hit he jumped up from his seat and hurried to the bathroom, Jam followed, I sat and did nothing, I was too high on the shwag to do anything. Jam said that he poured his heart out to her in the bathroom. Apparently he's been pretty hung up over the break-up. He found closure to the relationship before I left town. He enjoyed the 5meo he says, it just hit him to hard to quick. He doesn't know if he want to try it again. Sure enough when I got home and called'em, he asked me how much I had left.

Jam tryp'd with me the next night, at Browns appartment. I took my hit a second after she exhaled hers. I sunk into B's couch. Brown and his wife left the room. I turned to look at Jam, She turned right back at me, I smiled, she laughed. When I turned back to stare into the ceiling, her face seemed to be imprinted on everything. It smeared across everything between when I glanced & smiled and laid back. This tryp was accompanied by the sounds of psytrance-techno. Wizzy Noise I think.

Later that night I met one of Browns new friend, I'll call him Bobby, approx 130 lb. Maybe 18-20 years of age. He was very excited to find out that I had 5-meo-dmt. I made him a spoon, measured a moderate does, Me and Jam tried to explain the procedure and what-not. He put the foil spoon in the flame and inhaled. I don't think he held it very level, he got a little vapor before it ran off the foil and ignighted into a small fireball flash. He said he felt the flame hit the back of his throught. I appoligized and told him he couldn't do anymore that night because it would be useless. I never saw him again. Brown's wife became curious of what we were experiencing,(age 24,140 lb.) so, Brown made her a foil boat, I gave her a safe first timers dose. She had only done shrooms and pot before that night. She tried and tried, Coughed and coughed, after about 5 minutes of vapor chasing, she seemed content with a new state of mind, everything echoed to her.

Now my vacation has come to an end and its time for a 3 hour drive home. After abusing 5meo 2 days at a time, day off, then 2days again, day off, and one last time the night before I depart, Depth perception isn't what it used to be. Every time I changed my view of focus, everything seemed to bounce towards then away from me. I made it home no problem, just had to do 90mph the whole way with my music blare'n.

A few days of rest, relaxation, and after all my shwag was gone I picked up the 5meo again. I am confident now that I can keep my shit together, so I do a daytime dose while my parents are home. Wow, everything outside is beautiful, trees look like cardboard cut-outs, its really hard to walk normally, like treading on egg shells. Parents are clueless as to what I'm doing, just as long as I can keep a good distance and hopefully they won't notice my blue eyes are fully dilated and look like black pearls.

(days later->) Now, This is where my tryps get interesting, Things that shouldn't happen, do. I have 2 digital clocks in my room, One with the correct time, and the other I plugged in 10 minutes after midnight, so that it would always flash the near correct time. Once after taking an average hit of 5-meo (for me, 10-13mg) after looking around my room and out the window, I turn back to look and see how long its been, I'm standing there staring at the clock wondering 'okay,, what wrong here?' I stare for a minute,, the clock progresses a minute, I check the other clock to see if the 10 minute difference is consistent. The time was right, this clock is 10 minutes faster than the other, then it hits me, The slow clock wasn't flashing! This absolutely caught me off guard, baffled my mind. Even during my other tryps in this room that clock had never stopped flashing before. I usually left that room mid-tryp because of the flashing clock or the flickering of a candle began to irritate me. My beliefs of what reality are all now called on to be questioned. I am still very much confused as to if I really witnessed (heh) time standing still.

The next weird incident 2 days later, happened after a tryp. After taking the usual amount of 5meo, had a nice vibrational tryp, feeling my brain fold in on it self, feeling my soul / my being flying off in every direction and falling back in to place simultaneously, all the normal stuff. After coming down, and hour after the hit, I was somewhat hungery. I go to the kitchen, grab a tray of bagle bites out of the freezer, unwrap'em, put'em in the microwave like I've done a hundred times before, but before I hit the 2minute cook button, I gently pulled the door partialy open just so that the light would come on, to check to see if I'd spaced and centered everything to cook right. The thing turns on! Lights on, Fans on, Buzzing noise like its cooking something, carousel wasn't turning though. Now I'm freaking out. This microwave isn't but a few months old, so malfunction would be out of the question. There's no way to get it to cook with the door open, my fingers were no where near any of the cook function buttons. I'm beginning to wonder if there is such a thing as bio-electric-kinetic. We humans do run on our own electricity, and emit electromagnetic waves/fields.

I'm also wondering if I might of done too much 5meo and I'm now in a lucid coma. Only time will tell.

Okay,, quick re-cap,visuals are melting, tracers, and perceptual. All senses and sounds are echoed, blurred or muffled. Touching things/self is very amusing, Divine Moments & Bestowed Wisdoms are common, (Jam Confirmed), Atleast put a day between usages, an echo of an echo is hard to distinguish from the beginning or the end of the original thing.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream :)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2013Views: 3,583
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