Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
On Halloween
Heroin & Cannabis
Citation:   Robbie Illogikal. "On Halloween: An Experience with Heroin & Cannabis (exp29221)". Jun 29, 2007.

T+ 0:00
0.3333 insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:15 0.3333 insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I grew up in a town of 5,000 people, with less than 150 in my senior class. We were an extremely tight-knit group, and during my freshman year of college, I found myself missing the good times I had partying with all of my friends. D, one of my best high school friends, was going to the same college as me, and when our good buddy F, who lived a couple hours away in Albany, told us that he was having a Halloween party, We instantly knew what to do. I got on the horn to another integral member of our crew, M for the sake of this story, and told him about it. M was into the idea, and told us he was coming out to go to F's with us.

A 6-hour drive from Buffalo later, M arrived at our school with Dobber, a small time junky and heroin dealer much to our chagrin, riding shotgun. D, M, Dobber, and I went to New York as soon as they got there and stayed in the city all night, driving around and getting into the usual teenage highjinks. We got back to Purchase, D's and my school, at around 6 in the morning and slept until around 4. Now, finally, it was time to go up to F's place. We got on our way, but M and Dobber wanted to score some dope first. Whatever, I thought, I was up for trying heroin again, and smiled as we drove down through Yonkers to the Bronx.

We cruised around the Bronx, trying to score, but to no avail. No problem, back up to Manhattan, we copped dope in Times Square the night before so we might as well try Manhattan again. Driving around, Dobber spied an old man rambling down the street, so we pulled over and Dobber got out. It was so strange for a small-town guy who grew up in the suburbs to see what Halloween night was like in the city. There were kids EVERYWHERE, and they were running recklessly across the street both in front of and behind us with no concern for their own safety. Next thing I know, Dobber and this guy are getting into our car. 'Guys, this is Al.' Dobber said, while D and I exchanged an incredulous look. We made small talk ('So you guys sniffin' or you guys bangin'?') with Al as he directed M to a project on 132nd street in Harlem. Dobber went in with Al, and came out with four waxpaper bags, all stamped with a cute little devil. We dropped Al off, and started driving up to Albany.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Dobber and M sniffed their bags almost right away, while Derek and I decided to wait. About twenty-five minutes later, I dumped about a third of my bag onto a CD case and scraped the brown powder into a line with a bank card. I rolled up a dollar bill and snorted half the line, coughed, then sniffed the rest. The heroin stung all the way up, and the sensation lingered for a few moments. I nestled back into my seat and waited for it to kick in. We drove a ways, and I started feeling warm relaxation creeping through my body. It started at my toes and pretty soon, my entire being prickled with warm, nice, good feeling. I felt the corners of my mouth curl into a smile and I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Smoking the cigarette felt so good, and I noticed an extraordinary phenomenon. I have always noticed that when I am high or drunk or tripping that my cigarettes seem to never last as long as I would like them to. This time, it was the exact opposite. The cigarette burned away so slowly, and when I flicked it out of the window, I was entirely satisfied with my smoking experience. So satisfied was I that I closed my eyes and forgot entirely that the window was open. I was just feeling great, bobbing my head to the rap music bumping from the stereo.

It was at this point that D decided to snort some of his bag. He dumped out an amount that was about twice as much as I did. He sniffed it then, not to be outdone, I poured out another third of my bag and up it went. This time, it set in a lot faster, and I was plunged into the best feeling I could fathom ever having. I read once that if orgasm is the peak of human existence, heroin is a close second. At that point, I realized that truer words have never been spoken. Then, as if the car ride couldn't have gotten better, M put on my all-time favorite album, Sublime's 'Robbin' the Hood.' I pulled off my sweatshirt, balled it up and put it behind my head, and with a grin, sang along to the CD until the effort of mouthing the words wasn't even worth it.

We drove like this, everyone wordless for half of the album, until we reached a rest area. Pulling off, we went inside and got free cups of water and stood around for a little while. Moving around had some of the feeling of walking while on DXM, not specifically as difficult, but it felt kind of like I was underwater and swimming. We smoked cigarettes and I noticed that my eyes were barely open. Dobber pulled up with M's car and we got in. Back in the car, we were almost to Albany, Sublime still playing, and I was sitting with my eyes closed, visualizing everyday objects and spinning them around with my mind, something that D had described to me before, but I wasn't able to actually conceive until I was doing it. I could bring up anything I had ever seen and rotate, flip, and spin it any way I wanted. I entertained myself with this new ability until we were in Albany and trying to find F's house.

The music had changed several times, and was now on some caustic sounding rap album. Dobber yelled out the window at two costumed girls getting in a fight outside of a bar, and I shook my head to myself. We pulled up to F's and parked the car. Dobber and M got out while D and I lingered in the back seat for a couple of seconds. Dobber said something about us being 'faded' and started towards the house. D and I got out and went in. The house was full of people smoking pot, cigarettes, and drinking beer. Many people were in costumes, and a lot were eating giant chocolate-chip cookies, which we found out were made with three quarters of an ounce of very good pot in each batch of a dozen.

I was feeling amazing from the heroin, and seeing F for the first time in three months was awesome. F showed us where the kegs were and introduced us to a bunch of the people there. From this point until the morning, my memory is fragmented, I have no recollection of any of the time that I spent standing or in transit. F walked us to a Chinese restaurant around the corner from his house, then went back to his party. D, M, and I split a plate of plain fried rice for $2 and cups of water. We returned to F's and dispersed into the mass of people partying.

I remember sitting for a while in a room illuminated by blacklights with D next to me, but we didn't talk to each other. The entire room was shifting and morphing as if I was tripping, the ultraviolet lights and UV reactive posters were fucking with me, but I still had that incredible heroin feeling. I talked to one kid for a long time about something I don't remember, and smoked numerous bowls of weed with people who's faces and voices are gone from my memory. I went into the main room and sat in a chair and chatted with F, smoking something else (a bowl or joint).

M, Dobber, and I went outside for fresh air and in the house across the street a lady that was ranting and moving with the trademark bob of a crackhead was throwing all sorts of things from the house out onto the lawn. We laughed for a long time at this lunacy, then Dobber decided to walk over to see what was going on. The lady started hitting on him, and when he returned he was laughing. Apparantly she had offered to fuck him for a dollar. He went into the house and got some change and walked over again, offering it to the woman. This upset her and she yelled at him. I was kind of freaked out, thinking that the police were surely going to come, so I went inside to see what was going on.

I chatted with various people, until I started feeling extremely tired and generally bad inside, a feeling much like smoking a lot of pot after drinking heavily. D, M, and I went into F's room and the two of them laid down on his bed. Shafted in the arrangement, if I wanted to lay down I would be stuck half on the bed, half on the floor where anyone entering the room would hit me in the back with the door. I stood for a while, feeling worse and worse and worse until they convinced me to lay down, even though the spot was far from condusive of a good rest.

I drifted in and out of sleep, people were coming and going, getting their pillows and blankets, as F's room was serving as the depository for everyone's stuff. At one point a very drunk girl came in and laid down on M and I. I woke up and looked over because my arm was prickling with pins and needles, and I realized that the girl was there, and my arm was underneath her, my hand on her crotch. Thinking nothing of it, I closed my eyes and went back to that torturous half-sleep, feeling as if I was spinning in circles and fairly positive I was going to puke all over the place.

The next time I woke up, she was gone, and F was kicking us out of his room. I got up and staggered into the main room where all of F's friends were sleeping. Again, there was no room for me, except for a tiny space by another door. M walked out with me and squeezed himself in between me and another person. D, though, refused to wake and had to be dragged out by his ankles. I drifted off again, having the door opened into my side a couple of times, and was awoken by one of the partgoers. His exact words are lost forever, but he said something about the girls who were sleeping in the middle of the room moving to a futon, so I took their spot, sleeping with no blanket for a few hours. I woke up again a few hours later, still feeling extremely nauseous, but warm now as someone had draped a blanket over me. It was light now and a lot of people had left. I took the girls' spots on the abandoned futon, and conked out for another two hours.

Then, F and D woke me up and I arose. It was about noontime, and we walked to the general store, where D and I bought the essentials - candy, soda, and cigarettes. It was at this time we decided to tell F exactly what we had done. Predictably, F was disappointed, and he mocked us for a little while. We walked back to his house and I was feeling better, thinking that I was finally back to baseline. I smoked a couple of bowls while watching a British comedy show from the early 80's entitled 'The Young Ones.' D went back to bed, having smoked a joint with F before waking me and now feeling the same badness we felt that night again.

M was up and we hung around, meeting F's roommates for real. We threw F's friend H $10 in exchange for smoking the rest of his pot with us. We each took a rip from their gravity bong, and M and I split one of the pot cookies. As soon as I took the hit from the gravity bong I felt overwhelmed. The heroin feeling rushed instantly into my body and my head started throbbing. I went outside, thinking I was going to vomit, and found Dobber and M there. Dobber was cajoling M into leaving in the next half-hour so they could get back to Harlem before 7:00 and get the good dope. M finally relented and we went back inside. I sat down in a chair and slunk down, eyes closed.

Finally, I started feeling better. I went from feeling the worst I thought it was humanly possible to feel, to feeling normal, to feeling the best I thought was humanly possible. We watched more of 'The Young Ones' and I laughed harder than I thought I'd ever laugh. Of course, as soon as I was having a great time hanging with F and the people he'd told me about for the past three months in our AOL Instant Messenger conversations, M declared it was time to go. I was forced into the unpleasant task of negotiating with H for him to give us our share of the pot to bring with us instead of hanging out and smoking with him, something that I felt awful about, as I thought it made us, and me especially, seem sketchy.

While I was doing this, M, Dobber, and F were waking D. We shook hands with all of F's friends and with F, telling him that we would come up again as soon as we got the chance. D and I slept for pretty much the entire ride back to Purchase, although I woke up to smoke the joint. M and Dobber drove back to Buffalo the next day, and D and I reflected on our weekend. I had quite mixed reactions to my first actual heroin experience. The feeling was the most incredible thing I had ever encountered, and the closed eye hallucinations were amazing. I definitely think that I will do dope again, although after seeing what has happened to M because of regular use, I will be exceedingly careful.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29221
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2007Views: 45,640
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Heroin (27) : Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Relationships (44), General (1), Various (28)

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