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A Strange Trip To Nutmeg Land
Citation:   Josh Larny. "A Strange Trip To Nutmeg Land: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp2904)". Dec 9, 2001.

3.5 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (dried)
I had read about nutmeg online and I decided 'sounds snappy' so I got a VERY GOOD 'discount' heh heh heh, at my local (corporate beast) Safeway Food & Drug store. After this experience, I think they need to emphasize the DRUG part a lot more (-:

I ingested the 3ish tablespoons with a salad and a few glasses of water. THE MOST REVOLTING, PUTRID, PUKING NASTIEST MOST WRETCHED SHIT I HAVE EVER SO DISGUSTEDLY TAKEN IN MY LIFE!!! it was definitely well worth it though...anyways, here goes:

***first hour*** horrible stomach-ache, some weariness...

I felt I had wasted time and mon- no, just time. I felt sick to my stomach and tired (I smoke cannabis sativa, smoke an occasional cigarette, never drink, never felt anything bad from a drug before) so I waited...

***2nd hour***

I'm going- what the hell, is this for real?- sounds HIGHly intensified, sounds all connected in harmony very wonderful stuff... start an old Alfred Hitchcock movie, 'lifeboat'

***3rd hour***

very tired still, stomach feeling a lot better, feeling more exhausted, movie plot completely lost on me, hated the ending.

***4th hour***

lie down to sleep, feels like no matter what I'm doing I'm falling, just eternally falling, whether I stood walked ran lied down, whatever. It wasn't scary at all, the best I can describe it it felt like I was in a nice pool sinking somewhat quickly to the bottom. AWESOME... VERY COOL. I call my friend N's house and I ask him if he's the 'dream man'? He's so weird-seeming to me then. As I talked to him, I saw the grateful dead bear (purple) having intercourse from behind, with a South American dancing lady, very beautiful indeed. Only a little animation though mostly still-frame... the weird thing is that my carpet is a 50-year old red and brown thing with burn marks (-:

***5th hour***

back on the couch then, trying to 'sleep' but in fact I went on a sort-of amazing trip. I don't think it'll compare to acid or shrooms, but very cool still.

this is what i saw: try to imagine thousands of T.V. screens, just a picture with no frame but perfectly contained in a square shape, in rows and rows going back into infinity forever. The picture was tons of colors, once it was a rabbit jumping around and eating a carrot, for a long time a white guy's bald spinning head with shut eyes, spinning colors swirling everywhere, I KNOW there were other images but I don't remember (this was all 3 or so months ago)

***5 1/2th hour***

My family comes home bothering about this and that from Church, that dark institution of idiocy, and starts bashing around the house, giving me the 'Christian Morality' speech on sloth, aka relaxing on the couch. They are convinced it's practically EVIL to sleep other than at night. weird. Anyways they kept knocking me out of the trip (with Nutmeg I could go out of the trip if there was a small outside-stimulation)

***6th hour***

I was forced to rake the yard up, I could barely gather enough strength to walk around raking, remember that I was still exhausted physically from the drug... I was raking so mechanically it was funny. Just then my friend N pulled up to me in the alley behind my house and I started laughing at the site of him, it was so funny for some reason. This laughing at nothing stuff was great but not as good as high-quality WEED (-: then came the funniest thing I can remember since then. My little 11-year old brother appeared on the front porch and asked, 'Hey *****, do you want a tuna-fish sandwhich?' That was FOR A FACT the funniest thing I had ever heard. I was just laughing madly for like ten minutes, it was cool.

I'm very sure I blacked out for about 5 minutes, which sort of scares me (wasn't scared then) because when I came to my brother was hanging around me and N was gone. I asked about it, and my brother said he left already, WHOA I knew I was way out there. i went to the front yard and laid down and I know I was moving into the next level...

***7 1/2 hour***

I only remember that the stomach ache was gone, and the feeling of falling increased but it was still good, very cool. I stopped the TV screen imagery, actually it had receded into nothingness about the Sixth-ish hour. I started having dreams I COULD CONTROL I had wonderful sex with many women in this mansion, I traveled with an awesome old wise man in a perfect, serene, beautiful forest and stopped at a waterfall. I had other dreams I don't remember.

***8th hour***

went back inside and couched and had more dreams... alas slowly the dreams faded and I started coming back to reality. no falling feeling, no trippy visuals, nothing. Just feeling tired. So I finished a carton of Ice Cream in the freezer, and went to my bedroom. my mom and bro were there talking to me but I just laughed about everything and it was funny because my little bro said 'C'mon, just tell me what drug you're on' in a whiny voice. It was hilarious.
i went to sleep

I slept soundly without a single dream (for ME this is very bizarre, I'm like the Sandman's ho I have so many dreams, they're awesome) and when I woke in the morning my last memory instantly popped into my head. It was me sitting in a hammock with N at a party at my cousin's house by a fire. That had happened almost 25 hours ago. Slowly throughout the day I pieced together the trip and yesterday.

Overall the best experience of my life and I'll do it weekly if i can stomach that CRAP (-: (-:

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2001Views: 95,802
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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