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Opium Lettuce: Bullshit
Wild Lettuce (L. virosa)
Citation:   Opium Lettuce. "Opium Lettuce: Bullshit: An Experience with Wild Lettuce (L. virosa) (exp25430)". Apr 17, 2006.

2 joints/cigs smoked Phalaris Grass (dried)
I ordered a half-ounce of Opium Lettuce. It's hard smoking this with without gagging from the rotten stench of its wet-sock smelling smoke. The unburnt herb itself smells repulsive. I smoked two good joints of this shit, and felt only dizzy and annoyed that I wasn't fucked up.

Opium Lettuce smoke stinks so bad that I had a hard time smelling my pipe afterwards, and was consequently forced to chuck it in the creek, along with the bag of crap I bought.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25430
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2006Views: 19,026
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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