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Cognitive Enhancement
Voacanga africana
Citation:   Alkaloidaholic. "Cognitive Enhancement: An Experience with Voacanga africana (exp24493)". Sep 26, 2006.

1.0 g oral Voacanga africana (seeds)
1 gram of Voacanga Seed powder was ingested orally using the parachute method. The powder was wrapped in a small piece of kleenex and swallowed. Within 30 minutes a noticable shift in brain activity occured. I can describe the experience as mild but cognitive enhancing. I feel as though I am much more wise and their is more activity in the brain.

'0' sized capsules where filled with finely powdered voacanga seed powder. Two capsules where ingested on an empty stomach early in the morning. Once again that cognitive enhancing feeling was noticable. Two days later, to avoid any tolerance, three pills where eaten under the same circumstances. Eyes feel very heavy and I'm experiencing that 'pineal' feeling. Effects come on within about 30 minutes and last several hours. I feel as though my ability to focus on a single task is improved greatly. I believe I have a good enough feel for the seed that I could increase the dosage by at least twice as much. Next time I will try five or six capsules.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2006Views: 20,515
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Voacanga africana (49) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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