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Passing a Urine Drug Test
Cannabis & Drug Testing
by Alex
Citation:   Alex. "Passing a Urine Drug Test: An Experience with Cannabis & Drug Testing (exp23412)". Oct 14, 2007.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
I've been a very heavy marijuana smoker for almost 8 years. In addition, in the 6 months preceding the test I've gained 20 lbs (plenty of extra fat). I spent days searching the web on how to pass a urine drug test once I knew I will be tested for a new job and I had 7 days to pass it. Below is my account of how I've done it. During my search for information I was particularly thankful to people who posted their actual experiences, not just general advices, so I thought someone else might find my experience very helpful as well. Since I believe drug testing is a violation of my rights I felt I must make my personal experience of how to beat a drug test available to potentially help others. Please feel free to reformat the following information. What I have is pretty much is a time-line.

Day 1
-- did nothing

Day 2
-- ran a few miles

Day 3
-- biked a few miles

Day 4
-- did nothing

Day 5
-- drank LOTS of beer throughout the day
-- took 2 tea-spoons of creatine (one in the morning, one in the evening)
-- took 2 pills of Activated Charcoal (same as above)
-- drank some *pure* Cranberry Juice

Day 6
-- ate a very large meal in the middle of the day
-- drank some *pure* Cranberry Juice
-- drank about 12 beers
-- took 2 tea-spoons of creatine (one in the morning, one in the evening)
-- took 2 pills of Activated Charcoal (same as above)
-- took vitamin B-2

Day 7 (morning before the test)
-- got up 5 hours before the test and made a gallon of 'Herbal Clean Master Tea'
-- took 1 tea-spoon of creatine
-- took 1 pill of vitamin B-2
-- 4.5 hours before the test started drinking the tea with little sugar in each cup, periodically taking gulps of *pure* Cranberry Juice
-- 1.5 hours before the test took 2 pills of creatine/B-2 (included with the tea)
-- pissed as often as I could during the entire time (didn't wait for full bladders)
-- pissed the final time before leaving home for the test
-- during the test pissed into the cup only from the middle of the stream


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23412
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2007Views: 43,199
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Cannabis (1), Drug Testing (59) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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