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Fact or Myth?
Datura Stramonium (leaves)
Citation:   Datura. "Fact or Myth?: An Experience with Datura Stramonium (leaves) (exp23395)". May 3, 2003.

  repeated smoked Datura (leaves)
5:30pm - at this time i am 'building' up for the buzz... ate healthy the WHOLE week, and regurlarly, exercised, good blood flow, had a great week! woke up today at 11am, i slept in so that i would be rested to try this new drug.

6:30pm - while listening to Mike Oldfield, i start breaking a 4' FRESH leaf down. Mind you, i am wearing rubber gloves to protect anything that may come into contact with the plant.

6:35pm - packing the bowl (measured to be 2.5 grams), and starting the first hit. I am by myself through this whole procedure, and plan to be while writing this.

6:43pm - Done with the first bowl, re-packing another 2.5 gram bowl, feel no effects but my throat kinda sore, got about 10 hits in the last bowl.

6:45pm - No time wasted, starting the next bowl.

6:53pm - Done with the 2nd bowl. Up to 5 grams of fresh datura smoked. Feeling absolutely NOTHING!

7:30pm - Tried waiting half an hour at least... still feeling no effects, only a little sore in my throat still. No visual, audio hallucinations or discomforts, still listening to Mike Oldfield.

8:00pm - About an hour now, has past by, NO effects whatsoever. Ok, maybe i didnt smoke enough?

8:10pm - Packing the 3rd bowl, another 2.5 grams, boost me up to 7.5 grams of fresh datura.

8:19pm - Done with the 3rd bowl, sore throat still, and chest burning a bit, other than that, nothing more. Packing the 4th bowl.

8:22pm - Starting to smoke my 4th bowl.

8:35pm - Finished 4th bowl, now there is about 10 grams of datura in my body... NO EFFECTS! Beginning to think this was a waste of time? Going for a walk... back at 8:52pm, didnt stray from my path, 100% in right mind... hhhmmmm

9:50pm - Friend calls around 9:30pm, wondering what im doin and if im 'messed up' i tell him this is a joke, and im bout to throw this stuff away. Waited another half our, ABSOLUTELY no effects, the sore throat is gone, and a mild brain tease, not a headache, not even a tingle, just a mild teasing.

10:02pm - Packing the 5th bowl now... thinking im crazy because i thought you can die from this stuff??

10:12pm - Done with the 5th bowl of datura, now up to 12.5 grams of fresh leaf in my system. Sore throat is back, nothing else!

10:59pm - Thinking this is a joke, starts to pack a 6th bowl!

11:14pm - Finished smoking the 6th bowl, up to 15grams in my system now. Sore throat still there, STILL NOTHING ELSE! No kind of discomfort, only the throat, no audio/visual halllucinations of any kind, normalness is beginning to get dull, since i have smoked GRASS from your lawn and gotten more fucked up than this.... strange...

12:01am - Starts to rain, going for a walk in the rain. (i love doing that when im high... which it might help the buzz?)

12:11am - Back from the nature walk... NOTHING out of the ordinary, im not talkin to anything, seeing anything, hearing anything out of the ordinary... this is not good...

1:00am - Trying (i guess) to pack yet ANOTHER bowl, might as well smoke what I can to try and let things kick in?

1:14am - Done with bowl #7, and to tell you the truth, I am VERY dissapointed. I have been with friends who have smoked this SAME EXACT STUFF, from the same plant I got it from when i was with them before and i took a couple hits, nothing major, nothing happened then either, and they have tripped out, puked, yelled, were all quiet, you name it, they were ha ha... anyways, the same plant and i know its datura, i have been researching this plant for couple of months now... and i have not gotten ANYTHING from it, yet they get an awesome ride.

1:34am - Still absolutely NOTHING, event he sore throat is gone, NO DRYMOUTH, NOOOOOOTTTTHING... i do not get this drug ... i have now 17.5 GRAMS of datura in my body and i am experiencing NO CHANGE!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23395
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2003Views: 10,674
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Datura (15) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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