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Sophora Secundiflora
Citation:   Alkaloidaholic. "Intoxication: An Experience with Sophora Secundiflora (exp22501)". Jul 19, 2007.

250 mg insufflated Sophora secundiflora (powder / crystals)
A recent study of the mescal bean and its ritualistic use sparked the desire for a human bio-assay. A first attempt with 100 mg of mescal bean powder was orally ingested with no noticable effects.

A second attempt with approximately 250mg of powdered mescal bean was insnufflated. One hour later, a very heavy feeling began to occur in the body. At two hours one felt a strong intoxication not too different from the feelings of alcohol. Warm sensations occured throughout the body as a narcotic feeling manifested in the head. All effects ended after four hours.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2007Views: 11,301
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Sophora secundiflora (402) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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