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LSD, 5-MeO-DIPT, MDMA, Gabapentin, DMAE, Piracetam & Alcohol
Citation:   Big Bird. "ErgoTryptaPhenethylaGabaStuvwxyz: An Experience with LSD, 5-MeO-DIPT, MDMA, Gabapentin, DMAE, Piracetam & Alcohol (exp22008)". Erowid.org. Nov 10, 2003. erowid.org/exp/22008

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:30 8.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT  
  T+ 5:30 100 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 13:00 1200 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (capsule)
  T+ 20:30 800 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (capsule)
  T+ 0:59 500 mg oral DMAE  
  T+ 0:59 800 mg oral Piracetam  
  T+ 22:39 2 oz oral Alcohol  
9:30pm: 2 microdots LSD
12:00am: 8mg 5-MeO-DIPT
3:00am: 100mg MDMA
10:30am: 1200mg Neurontin
5:00pm: 800mg Neurontin + 500mg Centrophenoxine + 800mg Piracetam
7:00pm: 2 oz Alcohol

At 9:30, microdots are swallowed. My friend H and I depart for a psytrance party at 10, arriving at 10:30 and the place is still fairly empty. We have our wristbands, so we decide to go and join our friends T and J at a local pub. H ingests two microdots as well at this point. We have a beer and socialize for awhile, returning to the party by 11:30.

Walking back I was starting to feel the effects, but they are mild with no strong push. At midnight, I swallow some Foxy in order to bend the effects a bit to suit the atmosphere. This is a combination I had tried the previous weekend to good effect as well. H begins to feel the acid, but isn't having a great time, he decides to walk home. I stay, and enjoy myself. Around 1:30 my friends M and K show up, M is rolling pretty hard already and is having trouble with the environment. They ultimately decide to leave and invite me to join them. After leaving, I stop and swallow a roll to bring myself onto a more compatible plane with M and other folks I'm going to be hanging out with shortly who had dosed similarly.

3:50am - I feel the roll and all components come together in a confluence that I have to describe as simply magical. Sharp mind, with tactileness and no sense of overload at all, I'm loving this. We are chilling and listening to music at this point, then we go downstairs to socialize with some of the other folks at the house. They are watching TV, but ultimately we all decide we prefer quiet, and we just talk and hang out together for several hours.

Around 5 or 6am (lost track of exact time), I have some nausea. I manage to keep it down by breathing and trying not to focus on it. I have to stop drinking water for awhile. Eventually it passes and I'm fine.

M, K, G and I go over to M's place to have a lie down with a fire in the fireplace and chill some more. M and G decide to sleep around 7:30, but I'm still wide awake, as is K. About 9, K's trying to sleep, so I take a bus home, and pick up some breakfast at a nearby deli. Cheese and corned beef omelette, to go, and coffee, yum. I take some Neurontin to help myself sleep, GHB is not an option for me to sleep post-MDMA, and I recommend it never be done by anyone, based on negative experiences of myself and friends.

Around 2pm, my phone rings, plans for dinner. Cool. I think about going back to bed. But damn, the Neurontin feels excellent, I don't want to sleep any more. I'm still kind of rolling.

5pm, more Neurontin, as the earlier dose has worn off and I like how it's been affecting me, and some Centrophenoxine and Piracetam are taken to help me stay alert for dinner and such.

We go to the restaurant, and while we're waiting for the table, I have a rather large Jack Daniel's on the rocks. Nice topper. I'm practically vibrating with smooth creamy goodness. Not walking entirely straight, though.

10:30pm, I finally go to bed for real, still feeling nicely altered. Slept 12 hours. Woke up refreshed, no hangover, feel great.

In summary: Don't do what I did, because it will make you THINK you're having a GREAT time, and really we all know that drugs are bad so it must be that you couldn't possibly be.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22008
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2003Views: 21,430
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LSD (2), 5-MeO-DiPT (57), MDMA (3), Piracetam (95) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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