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Tea Gone Wrong
Poppies - Opium
Citation:   Banana Fish. "Tea Gone Wrong: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (exp20431)". Oct 18, 2005.

0.5 lbs oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
Last night some friends and I decided to make poppy tea. I have been feeling very nauseous until about three hours ago. Maybe I drank too much, maybe I wasn't supposed to eat any of the seeds, but in any case, it will be a long time before I attempt this again.

We bought one pound of dry seeds from the grocery store and mixed them with about two cups of lemon juice plus enough water to cover the seeds in a mixing bowl. We soaked the liquid for about twenty minutes, stirring occasionally. Next we poured the liquid mixture into a pot and heated it (not boiling or quite simmering) for another twenty minutes. Using a small collander we tried to separate the liquid from the seeds to produce about one and a half to two cups of 'tea'.

I split the drink with a few friends but I ended up drinking about half of the concoction myself; they were really put off by the taste even though we mixed in a ton of sugar. I don't exactly know how long it was before I first felt the effects but approximately thirty minutes later we all had the desire to move to the nearby sofa bed and lounge around. We were all feeling pretty good and warm. We all noted that we felt like doing nothing more than sitting. I tried to get up to answer the phone but my bones were so lazy that by the time I crawled over to the phone the caller had given up. I also tried to go to the bathroom and getting there turned out to be another giant task. I didn't feel like getting up and when I walked I felt off balance, almost like I was drunk. While in the bathroom I noticed that my pupils were the extreme opposite of dilated, they were the size of a pinpoint.

When I came back to my friends they were all deciding that they were thirsty (so was I) and our stomaches were beginning to turn and grumble. I think that this was about one hour after we had the tea. Personally my stomach felt somewhere between hungry and nauseous. I realized that I hadn't eaten dinner so I drank a glass of water and had tingling in my mouth. I also ate a couple malt balls. I felt really sick now. Even the water made me more naseous. My friends who must have had significantly less tea than me were apparently completely sober and still looking for more action. Three of us (we started out as five) got into a car. My two friends intended to smoke up but I wanted no part of it. At first I was feeling pretty good. Fucked up in a good way. I was mellowed out. By the time I finished my water I was feeling really sleepy and sick. No sooner than I had declared that I was going to take a nap I commanded 'PULL over. STOP the car.' I very promptly got out and threw up on the side of the road. After vomiting I began shaking like a leaf.

We drove to some other kid's house and I thought that throwing up had cured me. I thought that I was doing well. As we stood there and my friends talked to this other kid I was off in my own little world intensely concentrating on not barfing and not falling over. We left and I asked to be taken home. Back in the car I started shaking like a leaf but I can't decide how much of that was due to the cold and how much was due to the tea. I guess it doesn't really matter because I was shaking so much I could hear it in my voice.

I was home not five minutes when I threw up again. 'Goddammit!' I thought, 'This is crazy,' I looked at myself in the mirror again and there were my extremely creepy eyes and my extremly itchy nose again. I had a small glass of water, I was still thirsty, and one more malt ball because I thought I was done throwing up. I kind of just moped around for another hour and then of course, I threw it all up. All I wanted at this point, three a.m., was to go to sleep, I figured that I'd be fine in the morning.

I should be so lucky. I woke up at seven-thirty and made an attempt to throw up again but nothing came out. 'Okay, I'm finally done with that shit,' I thought and went back to bed. I woke again at eleven and decided to get myself a glass of water, I was still thirsty, you know. I was walking around a little off-kilter and my pupils were still little pricks but I was making progress. I kept the water down so about twenty minutes later I had a little jell-o which came right back up after ten more minutes. Well I was really out of it and a little dizzy but I needed to start my day.

Starting the day took two hours. I needed to make sure that if I went out I wasn't going to throw up and I was undecisive about which errands I should run. No matter what happened I was going to freak everyone out with my crazy eyes. I finally got in the car and started driving with three destinations in mind. I calmly drove to the shopping center with Best Buy, traffic was awful but I didn't mind. I felt catatonic and I hardly noticed that the radio was on. I got to that store and I drove around the parking lot and decided to go to Home Depot instead. My whole day was like this. I was totally out of it, dizzy, thirsty, and hungry. By five I think I started to get normal again. My eyes were more like pencil erasers and I talked on the phone. Then I made the brave decision to drink another glass of water. The water agreed with me at long last. I ate a gigantic dinner took a nap and decided that this was an experience that people should be aware of when they decide to brew their own poppy tea.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20431
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2005Views: 44,815
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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