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Mesembrine Extract
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Alkaloidaholic. "Mesembrine Extract: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp19972)". Jan 2, 2003.

250 mg oral Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
I made an attempt to extract a usable amount of mesembrine from Sceletium Tortuosum. According to the merck index mesembrine is soluble in alcohol and acetone and insoluble in benzene, petroleum ether, and alkali. One gram of fully fermented finely powdered Sceletium Tortuosum was saturated in 10 Milliliters of vodka and allowed to macerate for 15 days. The solution yeilded a dark yellow liquid. After maceration period was complete the solution was filtered and allowed to evaperate. 250 mg of extracted alkaloids remained. The entire sum of material was encapsulated and ingested. No noticable effects where achieved. Next time I will wash the material in benzene prior to the extraction and possibly start with a larger amount of Sceletium.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19972
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2003Views: 46,007
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