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Day Of Initiation
Citation:   Fr Moonwatcher 343. "Day Of Initiation: An Experience with DOI (exp18398)". Oct 24, 2002.

3.5 mg   DOI (powder / crystals)
T: Dosage was administered relatively early Friday night. Preperation was an hour and a half divided equally between hatha yoga and Tibetan diety meditation.

T+1:30: Three hours can be a while to wait. We decide to watch a movie, Meetings with Remarkable Men. Good movie on mysticism.

T+3:30: Movie ends we're going pretty strong, spend a few hours talking. There's a strong sensation of moving sideways. Shulgin had talked about this, now I know what he meant. Other than that, it's a pretty minor psychedelic. Very gorgeous in it's subtlety however. Time is really weird now.

T+6: Starting to feel incredibly exhausted, coffee helps to level me out. Spend the next 5 hours playing some of the best chess I've ever played. Things are really clear. I'm learning incredible things about the game.

T+11: Take a perk to ease the comedown. Seems to help a lot.

T+12: I take a few bong hits. Very interesting. The sideways motion sensation has returned along with the most intense auditory hallucinations I've ever experienced.

T+13: I take a short nap. Maybe 15 minutes, very rejuvinating. Very dream filled.

T+13:30: It's morning now. I do my daily practice. Hatha and diety yoga. Hatha yoga goes really well. My body is very relaxed. I'm more flexible then normal. The diety yoga was mindblowing. It added a wonderful spiritual glow to the rest of the day.

T+16: I travel a few towns over to witness initiations into one of my orders. I really hope I'll be able to crash. The 45 minute drive is a bit stressful, but completely doable. I've still got a good buzz, analogous to a speedy Gang.

T+20: When the inits start up I go back up. Esoteric imagery really seems to make this stuff shine. Deep, intense experiences here.

T+24: Drinking seems to ease the sleep dep symptoms. I have a few beers and hang out for another 4-6 hours before passing out.

T+34: Next morning, Sunday. Still going very slightly. Well rested and in a good headspace. I go home spend the rest of the day napping, not sure when exactly it ended.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18398
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2002Views: 19,804
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DOI (259) : Various (28), Personal Preparation (45), General (1)

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