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This Stuff Is a Joke
Wild Lettuce (L. virosa)
Citation:   Anonymous. "This Stuff Is a Joke: An Experience with Wild Lettuce (L. virosa) (exp16585)". Erowid.org. Dec 1, 2004. erowid.org/exp/16585

4.0 g smoked Lactuca - L. virosa (dried)
I saw this online as a 'legal marijuana' or 'herbal hydro buds.' This stuff is a joke. I didn't get ANY high at all. I noticed the only high I got was just from inhaling smoke and not oxygen. There is no ingredient in wild lettuce that makes me 'high.' If I smoke about 5 or 6 grams I eventually get a buzz but no relaxation or pleasing body feelings like I get with marijuana. It does not alter my mood or anything. Usually if I smoke marijuana when I am depressed it instantly changes my mood.

I bought this thinking it would be a good natural sleep aid or something to help me relax. It didn't do either of those. Actually gave me a headache (which marijuana instantly takes away). I don't think I will buy this stuff again. It seems more like a good substitute for tobacco rather than marijuana.

Another reason why I was forced into buying this to test it out was because of the high price of marijuana here in Los Angeles. I am looking at 20 dollars per gram. I can get a half ounce of wild lettuce for 30 dollars. Either way opium lettuce or wild lettuce is not worth the money. I am better off taking sleeping pills or something if I can't get marijuana at a reasonable price.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16585
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2004Views: 59,567
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Lactuca spp. (153) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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