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Overwhelming Sense of Smell
Alcohol, DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   Moron. "Overwhelming Sense of Smell: An Experience with Alcohol, DXM & Cannabis (exp16347)". Sep 18, 2007.

1 oral DXM (liquid)
  7 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I got pretty drunk off budlight last night, and while we were out getting munchies I picked up a bottle of delsym. We went back to the party and smoke a decent joint. I downed the bottle of delsym on the way home from the party. It seemed like there was incredible pressure on my face and skull for a while. While waiting for the full effects of the delsym to kick in I put some internet radio on, and played counter strike. As my head buzz grew stronger and stronger I played worse and worse. I decided to go lay down.

That was about 5 hours ago. I just woke up with an incredible sense of smell. I haven't ever been able to smell things so sensitively in my life. The smell of the joint we smoked last night is incredibly overwhelming, I smell my girlfriends pussy somehow, and the chapstick she wears. My rooms smells really dusty. I almost need to sneeze. I'm also having a hard time typing right now. I keep leaving letters off, and then I have to go back and type them in later. I kind of just hope this all goes away soon. I'm going back to bed to try and sleep it off.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16347
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2007Views: 12,917
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