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Ride the Green Waves
Salvia divinorum (3x extract)
Citation:   Snuffy. "Ride the Green Waves: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (3x extract) (exp15821)". Erowid.org. Dec 22, 2022. erowid.org/exp/15821

several hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Hey folks - Here is my 3rd and most notable (to date) experience with smoked Salvia D. I recently made a 5X Salvia leaf extract recipe, but I'd say it was actually 3X or even less, since I'd only used 70% isopropyl alcohol for it, instead of the recommended 90%+ alcohol. Even so, I let it soak for 3 days before draining, mixing with 1g of regular leaf, drying and smoking, so it should have made some difference. It seemed to anyway.

I wasn't really expecting much after my two 2 other, very mild Salvia excursions; so, I didn't bother to prepare for the experience (i.e. meditation). Instead, I continued downloading files off the Net, with a pretty detached 'Well, this either works or it doesn't' mindset.

I stuffed my small, marble pipe with about 0.25 grams, blew out a big breath, lit it and inhaled. A big, slow hit, with a few tiny inhalations of fresh air along the way, which would cool my throat a bit until I'd put the pipe back to my lips and continue. That was the process for each deep, lung-filling hit.

To my surprise, a few minutes and several hits later, I noticed a wall-lamp had begun an amusing movement: it would seem to twist ever-so-slightly on the wall, depending on how I would tilt my head. Not exactly ground-breaking, but I found it entertaining, at the time.

As I continued into my remaining bowl-full of Salvia, using the same laid-back-but-full smoking technique, I soon felt a pulling force in the back of my head, urging me to lay back on my bed (I'd been sitting up, typing at my laptop). By the time I did this, I was having mild mental images of green waves of watery energy, rolling lazily before and around me. If I opened my eyes (which took some effort), I'd still be in my room, and as such these images were not that clear. I'd call them 'impressions', really, a bit like a very weak dream-state.
I was having mild mental images of green waves of watery energy, rolling lazily before and around me. If I opened my eyes (which took some effort), I'd still be in my room, and as such these images were not that clear. I'd call them 'impressions', really, a bit like a very weak dream-state.

I had soon had the 'impression' of a few other people in this green-waves realm, it felt like a countryside, excepting the waves that ran through the centre of the scene. They urged me to ride on the waves with a jet-ski sort of thing, which was materializing beneath me, and was composed of the same green wave matter. I effortlessly flowed along the rolling waves with the jet-ski, and found the experience quite pleasant.

Within a few minutes, I was back. I opened my eyes and slowly looked around my room, feeling very relaxed and peaceful. I had smoked all of my Salvia extract gram by then, but I'd have been too relaxed to bother with smoking more, anyway.

This experienced rekindled my hope in Salvia, and I am now waiting for a homemade batch of 8X extract to be ready. I used only the 99% isopropyl this time, so I'm expecting an even better trip the next time!

Take Care, Everyone, while you Ride the Green Waves!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15821
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2022Views: 315
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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