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False Drug Test--Poppy Seeds Bagels
Poppy Seeds
by jim
Citation:   jim. "False Drug Test--Poppy Seeds Bagels: An Experience with Poppy Seeds (exp15552)". Jul 22, 2003.

  seeds oral Poppies - Opium (edible / food)
My son, who is on probation for DWI is subjected to urine tests every week. Last week before his test, he ate a poppy see bagel. He tested positive for opiates. He was stunned. He has not had any illegal substances or alcohol since Feb. 2, 2002. Now he is facing jail time (3 yrs. Possibly) for this test.

As soon as we got home he took another urine test and we immediately took it to the clinic. It came back negative. It doesn't matter. The judge and the probation officer are convinced of the results from the 1st test. Needless to say we are heartbroken. He WAS informed before his rehab began to avoid certain foods. A temporary lapse is going to cost him.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15552
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2003Views: 1,175
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Drug Testing (59), Poppies - Opium (43) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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