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Telepathic? Aphrodisiac? Hallucinogen?
Syrian Rue
Citation:   Church. "Telepathic? Aphrodisiac? Hallucinogen?: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp14900)". May 25, 2002.

3.5 Tbsp oral Syrian Rue (extract)
I have done syrian rue many times and have vomited each time, but I figure it just comes with the trip. The first time I did what I call a 'good' amount, I boiled 3-4 tablespoons of whole seeds in water for an hour (no lemon juice or vinegar), adding water when necessary. Strained out the seeds, and continued to boil it down until only a 1/4 cup was left. Put this in the freezer long enough to get chilled. Held my nose and drank it down chasing it with water (small amount of water, don't want to puke too soon).

Got online. Thirty mins. later I had to get off I was confused and sitting up was making me sick. I got up to go lay down in my room when all the sudden I was running into the wall. My balance and coordination were off. I was getting the 'Stuttering light' visuals. I had to crawl to the toilet and quick. I spent a long time in there. Every time I began to crawl away from the pot, I had to puke again. This was scareing me.... I lay there with my eyes shut and started getting the best CEV's I've ever gotten from Rue. I finally made it to my bed and lay there for the next couple of hours, extremly arroused and getting visions of women doing the wildest things and getting off on it. This is where I get amazed.

Its 1 a.m. and I start thinking of my ex-girlfriend who I hadn't talked to in many many months (she would do some of the things that I was visualizing) and the phone rings. Of course I am in no mood or mental ability to talk on the phone right now. I just start wondering who it is.... Ten or twenty minutes later I am thinking of her again... the phone rings. I let it go unanswered again. This happens one more time before I decide to check my voicemail. I have three messages all from her. She is thinking about me she says and she's wondering what I am doing. The phone rings twice more that night while I am still tripping out.

The next morning she shows up at my front door (she doesn't get up before noon usually) and we end up having the wildest sex.... nothing as wild as my visions, but still kinky. She never could explain what made her call me so many times that late, or why she just showed up like that. I have yet to figure it out too.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 25, 2002Views: 5,665
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Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), General (1)

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