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Wrists & Ankles Held Me Down
by L
Citation:   L. "Wrists & Ankles Held Me Down: An Experience with Dipehnhydramine (exp14471)". Erowid.org. Feb 7, 2003. erowid.org/exp/14471

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I had heard stories of people experimenting with benadryl, DXM, and coricidron, even a few of my friends had tried it.

At first I was nervous because I could not get over the idea of taking so many pills at once. The week before i tried diphenhydramine, one of my friends tried taking eight pills of dramamine and had a pretty strange trip. I forgot what happened though.

I took about 400 mg of generic brand benadryl at around 5:00. I started feeling the effects about an hour later when my friend came over. I did not tell him that I had taken the benadryl.

The first thing that I really noticed in the trip was the added weight to my arms and legs. It did not feel the same as when I am high and my arms and legs feel heavy, this felt like i had weights tied to my wrists and ankles and were pulling me down. My mouth was very dry. I would then look at the wall, and it seemed as if there were many tiny dots on it, and it looked very grainy.

I got another call from another friend who was having a party, we went over there and I had a little trouble keeping my balance. When I was there at times it seemed as if I was spacing out, and it would take me a few moments to respond. No one figured it out that I was on anything but I did not really like the trip. After awhile I felt very sleepy and was able to fall asleep almost immediately that night.

It wasn't as great of an experience as I was hoping for but it was not too bad.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14471
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 7, 2003Views: 25,274
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), General (1), Various (28)

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