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From Euphoria to Overdose
Codeine & Cannabis
Citation:   ninth. "From Euphoria to Overdose: An Experience with Codeine & Cannabis (exp12169)". Jan 4, 2005.

T+ 0:59
2 tablets oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 2 tablets insufflated Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:30 1 tablet insufflated Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:30 1 tablet smoked Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
'Hey Wes, I am taking some DXM this weekend and need a sitter' my friend proclaimed.

'Ok sure.' I wasn’t going to resist the possibility of watching my friend trip out; I love watching over my friends - makes for good blackmail. However I had other plans too, I had no intention of sitting in a room for eight hours without a way of having fun either.

In 1996 my mom was diagnosed with Lupus and the doctors granted her with a nice lifetime prescription of codeine. She has our drug cupboard filled with codeine; I could make a million dollars if I pleased. But money did not fuel my lifestyle, drugs did and her disease gave me a steady supply of codeine. God does work in mysterious ways. I grabbed six pills and put them tightly in a plastic bag, put a straw and my grinder in my sleeping bag along with my Tool CD's. I was good to go.

Saturday Morning.
My friend and I ran to CVS to buy the DXM. Stephen loved DXM, it was his candy. Every weekend he would take heavy doses of it regardless of the possibility of harm for he did not care. It was cold, slightly breezy and old snow on the ground. Typical weather for a January morning in Michigan. We looked pretty idiotic I suppose, two teenagers sorting through the cough syrup and trying to find the right one with only DXM in it. Stephen did not have the courage to so I ran up and bought the DXM for him, with the clerk giving me an unsure expression on her rosy face. I coughed as hard as I could to bring on my tainted lungs from years of weed and I mustered up a hell of a cough, I looked at her face and she was no longer in doubt - put the syrup in the bag and off we went.

On the walk back to his house I decided it was time to do something, so I orally took two codeine. My tolerance to codeine was high so I did not expect much. The sensation of being cold fizzled out. Inside his bedroom I spent a half an hour watching him trying not to hurl the god-awful taste of the Syrup. He is a pro and he prevailed. I toke two more pills out of the bag and went to work on grinding them. This time I snorted the two pills and sat back. Ahhhh, the feeling of Euphoria. I felt nothing but peace and pure happiness. I felt like running a mile but standing still. My thoughts came rushing through my mind then slowed down and rushed again. I was fully relaxed.

Sitting through his trip was pretty boring because I was in envy of his experience. After four hours he felt sober enough to face the outside again. We called up his dealer and got a gram of weed. We ran off to Josh's house where we made the bowl, then went to the back of his woods. The woods of suburbia are odd juxtaposed to the woods I am used to. The trees are turned down and withered tired of being used as an amusement park for young kids. Their where traces of needles and used sperm infested condoms. And the wind was bitter cold. I had two pills of codeine left. I snorted one and put the remaining powder in the bowl. We smoked it. The rush kicked in.

All of a sudden I felt something I never felt before - nothing but a tingle in my toes. I became disoriented and confused then the thought of paranoia plagued me - I overdosed. Voices came from the wind and the trees begin whispering odd words. The sky was caving down on me and there was nothing I could do. I closed my eyes and the blackness turned white then black again. The voices became louder with the wind and I was the coldest I have ever felt in my life. Terrified in euphoria. We soon went to Josh's house and in the warm house I could feel comfort. Finally. After the anxiety attack I just felt stoned. The codeine numbed me but the weed kept me going. The next morning I woke up shaking. I throw up small traces of blood then flushed the signs of codeine poisoning. I was cold, alone and scared. But after two hours of shaking I felt my fear wash away then I realized that my emotions where just that. I could control my emotions - if I craved happiness then I should let myself become happy. After I realized that I was peaceful, warm, and delighted to have lived through heaven and hell all in one day.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2005Views: 35,305
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Codeine (14) : Overdose (29), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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