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Long Prep, Short Experience
Huasca Combo (B. muricata & Psychotria viridis)
Citation:   MarpoChenmo. "Long Prep, Short Experience: An Experience with Huasca Combo (B. muricata & Psychotria viridis) (exp116486)". Sep 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 g oral Banisteriopsis muricata (extract)
  T+ 0:40 50 g oral Psychotria viridis (tea)
This was the second attempt at producing and experiencing ayahuasca. The first time I used 25 grams of Psychotria viridis (rubicacea) and 2 grams of B. muricata paste (30:1 reduction). This produced limited effect consisting of mild visual distortion of symmetrical patterns in the carpet such that straight lines appeared slightly wavey. For this time I chose to double the amount from before -- 6 g B. muricata extract (30:1), 50 grams chacruna -- using the following method:
- 50 grams Psychotria viridis, 1 liter water, 1 tsp white vinegar in slow cooker.
- Hold at heat (low) for four hours, strain liquid and set aside
- Repeated this process 2 more times each with fresh water and vinegar
- Resulting three extractions were combined and reduced in slow cooker first to 400 ml and then to 100 ml
- This extract reduction was kept in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for a three weeks until ingestion

Setting: my home, 2 pm, I am alone

Set/mindset: I have chosen not to ingest the aya for a larger purpose or for spiritual healing; I am looking forward to the experience with curiosity.
Set/mindset: I have chosen not to ingest the aya for a larger purpose or for spiritual healing; I am looking forward to the experience with curiosity.

For MAOI I used a 30:1 b. muricata paste. It was extremely sticky and hard to work with. I dug out what I guess was 6 grams of the paste and dissolved in about 1 cup of hot water.
+0:30 – I feel somewhat lightheaded, experience some stomach cramping
+0:40 – ingest P viridis extract reduction

The main effect I feel for the following two hours was nausea without any other noticeable effect. I might have vomited if I tried, but I felt it better not to force anything. I lay down on my bed and felt nauseated.

+3:00 – I am still somewhat nauseated, but also hungry. It is the time that I usually eat dinner and I have felt no effect of the ayahuasca. I eat a simple meal of red beans and corn chips.
+3:30 – while texting a friend that I have felt no effects, the experience begins. The come up was very fast, but not difficult. I was pleased that it was taking effect and the effect was pleasant; a sort of peaceful detachment and awareness that my perception was shifting. It seemed to me that by eating I had caused the absorption of the substance, but this was only my thinking in the moment.

Visual distortions occurred. The textured pattern of my painted ceiling appeared patterned as if in a repeating paisley shape motif. The color was as usual (white). This was in the center of my vision. On the periphery of my visual field the ceiling appeared divided into quadrilateral geometric shapes of subtle variations of white. I have a thangka painting of the Buddha on the wall. I look at it to see how it will appear. I attempt to make animate the image of the Buddha. The figure appears to move and sway, nodding its head and moving its hand slightly. The colors appear in sharp contrast and appear to take on varying depth in my field of vision, as though some colors are moving forward while other are moving away. The thangka is framed in a black frame. The black of the frame appears to contain numerous tiny scintillating lights, mostly yellow, gold. I take all of this to be very interesting and I am aware that these experiences are produced by the substance.

I observe my ideation. My thoughts flow and I feel as though I will become engrossed in any line of thought that I might pursue. I consciously avoid becoming engrossed in any thread of thought but instead allow my thought to flow. These thoughts were generally of a critical self-reflective nature.

I walk around some. I do not feel physically impaired; it is not difficult to walk and move about.

+4:00 – the doorbell rings and I am interrupted. I do not open the door, I go into the backyard to water plants that I am cultivating. The visuals cease. The experienced peaked for maybe ten minutes and then seemed to fade quickly.
+4:30 – I feel most of the effects have faded. I do not feel significantly different than normal.

On reflection, I expected this experience to be stronger and longer than it was. In the future I will likely increase the dose.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 30, 2022Views: 664
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Huasca Combo (269), Banisteriopsis muricata (743) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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