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The God Molecule
Citation:   Jkaay. "The God Molecule: An Experience with DMT (exp116202)". Apr 4, 2022.

6 hits vaporized DMT (liquid)
I’ve dabbled in N,N-Dimethyltryptamine a good handful of times, vaped in an e-cig, and out of an oil burner. I’ve had some pretty great l, mystical, beautiful experiences, and I’ve had a couple terrifying, panic-inducing nightmare trips as well. Usually when I have a bad trip I get hyper paranoid and think there’s people watching me or standing around me. Freaks me out. But when I do have a good experience, which is often, it usually turns out very interesting and tends to leave me with more questions than answers. Sometimes I encounter entities, sometimes it’s many and sometimes just a few or even just one. Oftentimes it feels like a feminine presence, kind of like a long-lost sister. Usually she’s encouraging me to keep hitting the pipe, and to go further into it. It’s most always a very welcoming, peaceful, comfortable enjoyable feeling. It feels as if I’ve died (in a good way), and am now living the rest of eternity (also in a good way). The time I want to touch on today in this report is one of the most profound and loving experiences I’ve ever had on DMT.

Method of ingestion: 0mg vape juice with 0.8grams of DMT. Juice is clear before adding, and turns a golden yellow color a day later after all the DMT has dissolved.

The setting I’m in is laying in my very comfortable bed (memory foam mattress pad, can’t go wrong!). I put my beats over my ears and turn on some peaceful meditation music. The vape I’m using to do the DMT is very potent, tastes very strongly of DMT, and 4-5 hits will send me to space.

Laying back I start inhaling. 1 long hit. Hold. Another. Hold. Another. Hold, and one more. Keep holding and exhale slowly. Visuals begin almost immediately, and start forming very complex, fast moving geometrical patterns in the ceiling and they are of all different colors. Something has a very “natural” and relaxed feel to it. The DMT I get is extremely pure. My eyes sink lower and I fade away into a half trance. After about 10 seconds I take 2 more hits, and hold. The visuals at this point are insanely vivid and complex. The euphoria, bright, loving feel and warmth of the whole experience is covering me like a blanket. I feel so at peace. I’m one with the universe, and feel more at home than any time before.

I did not encounter any entities during this trip, however I did experience God. Now, God has been a huge part of my life for a few years. I respect peoples beliefs, but I personally had a God moment, when I was at rock bottom due to drug addiction. God changed my life, saved my life, saved my soul, and given me hope. Gods love is the most powerful thing a person can experience. God gave me hope, and has saved me many different times in many different ways. God has the ability to communicate with me while I’m tripping or just really stoned. He can control the hallucinations and perceptions, as he is outside of that. God is beyond my spirit, he created it, and he has power over it.

As I’m laying back, drifting off into the peaceful, serene music, a bright light over me, at the top of all the geometric patterns and swirls, is the light of God. I feel his presence, and I feel his love. I know he is there, and I know he loves me and really does want me to be strong, do the right thing, serve him and love others. I felt so important in this world, so wholesome and comfortable. I knew that everything was gonna be okay. I was in absolute bliss. If DMT has shown me one thing, it’s that there is so much more out there, we just have to go look for it. It seems the more we look, the more we find. There’s really so much to life, and the meaning of life is love. I’ve been working on opening my 3rd eye, and so far it’s been working out really well. I felt the pulsating, tingling sensation right between my eyes in the middle. Upon research this is a very common result of your 3rd eye opening. I’ve been at more peace with myself and others, my depression and anxiety are greatly reduced, and I’m able to see the bigger picture and love myself.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 4, 2022Views: 856
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DMT (18) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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