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An Opioid That Allows Me to Function
by Eric
Citation:   Eric. "An Opioid That Allows Me to Function: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp116180)". Nov 23, 2022.

0.2 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
I have a prescription for Burprenorphine that I got at a pain management clinic. I've taken it on and off for a couple of years. The dose is 0.2mg tabs sublingually for a maximum of 3 tabs a day.

I usually take only 1 tab a day, 3 times a week. I take them primarily as pain relief, but also for the pleasurable effects when I need an escape, similar to alcohol.

My only other experience with opioids was with Tramadol, which I found to be about the same in pain reduction, but with more SSRI like effects, but less bodily euphoria. My experience with Buprenorphine is that its a very pleasant bodily feeling. I would compare it to post-orgasm feeling after sex. Very relaxed, increased sensitivity to touch and a slightly intense feeling. It's a combination of relaxation and being on edge, that makes it feel that after sex effect imo. It definitely has anti-anxiety effects and also stops negative thoughts, though it is not as strong as Tramadol in this regard. It also makes me more sociable.

Because of the pain relief and the increase in mood and decrease in anxiety, with the right dose, it is something of a life saver for someone who suffers from stress and anxiety. I can do whatever needs doing on this drug.

The negative effects for me are constipation and the comedown can be a bit unpleasant with heart palpitations and feeling warm. It can also make me a little confused which is why it's not for use if I need to be with other people a lot.

It's a bit like being drunk, but without the wobblyness.

Overall, this drug has gotten me through some rough patches, but it is not a cure all. I do think it is one of the better choices for long term pain management I've encountered.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116180
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Nov 23, 2022Views: 394
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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