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Magnetically Rising To Heaven, Almost
Cannabis - High THC & Dreaming
Citation:   DoubleCB. "Magnetically Rising To Heaven, Almost: An Experience with Cannabis - High THC & Dreaming (exp115873)". Dec 2, 2021.

  oral Cannabis - High THC (edible / food)
I can't even properly explain how magical and scary the experience was, despite being a super short one. It's been 25 minutes after the dream and it's only best to write out the experience in a professional manner while it's still fresh inside my memory.

To begin the story, it was 11:25 PM yesterday, which was 8 hours after I consumed a 20mg edible, and the trip was starting to end. After a couple hours online, I decided to try and go back to sleep to make up the hours of sleep I still needed for a proper state of mind. The lights were still on, my loud ass computer was emitting noise, and I didn't put a mattress cover on, no pillowcases, and no blanket, because I was too lazy. Since I suffer insomnia and find it extremely difficult to sleep at right hours, and I didn't want to ruin the opportunity to be able to fall asleep, I decided to just continue trying to fall asleep by making absolutely no movement and quieting down my thought process. As the time passes by for the next 10 minutes, I gradually lost consciousness and was finally able to fall asleep.

However, this sleep stage process is not how it usually goes, instead I went RIGHT INTO the REM stage immediately, which will start a dream for me, an insanely vivid one for me to be exact. I will now proceed to talk about what happened in my dream.

In the beginning of my dream I immediately teleported inside my bathroom. The lighting seemed to be unrealistic as the lightbulbs were off but there was a decent amount of natural light emitting into the room, but there was no windows nor any hole the sun can emit my bathroom with its own light. I was somewhat conscious inside the dream, and I felt very stoned (similar to the feeling of a THC edible) but drowsy. Without any logical reasoning I decided I want to take a shower, so I reach out my hand to the switches to attempt to turn on the light. However as I move my arm forward I got super drowsy it got extremely hard to move like I was turning into stone and my muscles stopped working. Right then and there I lost the ability to think or make decisions, I then felt as if a magnet was levitating me upwards. It was God deciding it's the end of my life and rising me above the ground to go to the afterlife heaven. The colors gotten greyscale, there were Greek-architecture patterns everywhere in the room, my vision got noisier (in a hallucinogenic form), and I could heard very faint angelic chants. I LITERALLY THOUGHT I WAS DEAD! I accepted my fate and rose my hands above me. 10 seconds later, I suddenly teleported inside my hallway (with the lights on) and there was a white balloon animal glass statue with a black string next to it by the garage door, I then managed to gain full consciousness. "Wait a minute, this isn't heaven, the afterlife is not memories of my current shelter, this feels too real.", I questioned the state of existence I was in right now.

And that question stopped my dream, and I instantly gained real-life awareness and woke back up. I was confused for the next few minutes, nothing made sense, I kept questioning the dream and why it happened over and over again. A few more minutes pass by and I gained back sanity, and deeply thought about the dream and how it spiritually connected with everything that happened in my life. I don't think I can go back to sleep tonight after this holy experience, this is some scary shit.

Additional Notes:
- I do not believe in any god. Only spirituality and the system of reality.
- When I had my last edible trip, my brain process was very slow.
- I've had hallucinatory feelings of dying and/or rising to heaven for the past 9 months.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115873
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 2, 2021Views: 711
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Dreams (85), Cannabis - High THC (598) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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