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I Was a Glowing Orb in Space
Citation:   DeStuert. "I Was a Glowing Orb in Space: An Experience with 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (exp114780)". Feb 3, 2022.

1 bump insufflated 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
This was the second time I had ever taken 2-FDCK. My purpose was to experience ego death and completely dissociate from reality. The plan was to go to my friends house in the evening and stay the night. When I got there it wasn’t just my friend, there was also another guy who I used to be friends with a long time ago. I hadn’t seen him in about four years, so I didn’t feel completely comfortable using drugs with someone I basically barely knew.
I didn’t feel completely comfortable using drugs with someone I basically barely knew.
When I came in my friend told me they were on acid. My friend had taken 240 μg of 1p-LSD and the other guy was on 120 μg. They weren’t tripping yet, but the tabs were under their tongues. Again, I did not feel comfortable with this as I didn’t know in what state of mind I would be while on such a high dose of 2-FDCK.

We sat down and watched some TV while waiting for the 1p-LSD come up. Eventually, my friends were feeling the acid and I decided to take a key bump of 2-FDCK. I was kind of bummed that my friend didn’t say he was going to take acid, because then I might have taken acid as well (my friend was all out). The key bump was quite large, I would say about 30 to 50 mg.

After about five minutes, I started to feel something. It felt like I was made out of rubber, as when I moved my body it felt like it stretched further than normal. I stood up and walked around and it felt like I was drunk (I have never been drunk yet, but I would imagine that’s what it would feel like). Some time passed. We went upstairs for a minute because my friend wanted to show something on his computer. We stayed there for about 30 minutes and then came back down. Walking the stairs was very difficult.

When we were back in the living room I decided to take about 150 mg more, to try to dissociate. After snorting the large line, I immediately started getting the disgusting drips. It was way worse than the small amounts I had done previously. I put the plate with the powder on a closet, because I felt too incapable to put it back in the baggy and I didn’t want it to spill on the floor or the table. Again, it took about five minutes to kick in, but it felt much longer. I didn’t know how you got in a k-hole, whether you could force it or you just had to fall in. My question was answered about 30 minutes later, when I laid down and fell into one.

I could see myself lying on my friends couch, and saw a glowing orb leave my chest. The orb represented myself, I guess you could call it a soul. I was viewing the orb from an outsiders’ perspective. It flew up, straight into space. I could see our solar system, but it was completely wrong. Everything was made out of tiny coloured glowing dots. It was also wrong as in, it wasn’t our solar system, but I knew it was. Instead of there being a sun, it was a planet that looked like mars, but it had the rings of saturn. The rest of the planets didn’t resemble any other planets. I (the orb) kind of flew through the system and looked at the planets and the space around me. Then I was suddenly transported back to earth, but not in my friends house. I could see a landscape with hills, trees and grass. I could also see a cart being pulled by horses, with some people around it. I came closer and flew around it and then merged with one of the wheels. I guess I became the wheel. After that I woke up. I sat up and started breathing really heavily. I even grabbed my chest. It felt like I had woken up from the dead, at least that’s what I would imagine it would feel like. After I had kind of calmed down, I went back into the hole. This repeated a few times, but I only remember the “visions” from the first episode.

After the last hole (I think it was a total of three or four), I started looking at and feeling my hands. I remember feeling really happy that I was back in my own body. I think I went to sleep after that and came down.

I also remember seeing the molecular structure of DNA and a bunch of molecular structures (I don’t know which substances they were, but I’m pretty sure they were psychoactive). I think I saw these between the space scene and the horses and cart.

After I slept a bit I could hear the other guy leave. I then slept some more. After I had woken up for real I still felt kind of high, but it wasn’t pleasant. I talked with my friend about my trip and after cleaning up some I left.

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 3, 2022Views: 1,438
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2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (778) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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