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Don't Do What Donnie Don't Does
LSD, 4-HO-MiPT, Etizolam & Cannabis
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "Don't Do What Donnie Don't Does: An Experience with LSD, 4-HO-MiPT, Etizolam & Cannabis (exp114120)". Erowid.org. Jun 15, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114120

2 hits oral LSD  
  20 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (capsule)
  5 mg oral Etizolam (capsule)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
  5 mg oral Etizolam (capsule)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I was working a half shift counting parts in the warehouse of a millwork company with a coworker, Dave. We hadn't known much about one another, but over the course of the 5 hour shift we got to talking about drugs in general when I mentioned I'm a tripper by rote and had a few compounds back at my...compound. He asked if I had any Acid, which I always kept a bit of in those days. When I answered in the affirmative, we made plans to meet up after the shift and perhaps indulge a bit.

I barely knew Dave, which I hadn't factored into the evening we had planned.
I barely knew Dave, which I hadn't factored into the evening we had planned.
I've had a fair number of uncomfortable Acid trips though, and thought the worst that could happen was I would have to abort with a benzo if it got too heavy. It did.

I got to his apartment around 7PM and while Dave was not only practically a stranger, he had also invited two of his friends over who I was totally unfamiliar with. They freaked me out, I don't mind saying, I knew enough about Acid to know better, but took a blotter anyway. The perferation wasn't perfect or swelled closed from the soak, because two came off the strip when I tried to pull a tab off, so I just took it. As did Dave, but when I offered some to the two strangers, they refused. At first this didn't bother me, if they weren't comfortable I'd rather they decline than try to play it cool and wind up catatonic. I cemented this by dropping on of two 20mg Miprocin capsules I had made. I liked this combination and it was nothing new to me, the crowd however (Dave included) had never heard of 4-HO-MiPT (Miprocin) or any other research chemical. They had no idea what I had just taken and the apprehension in the room silently turned all the way up.

I offered the other capsule to Dave or one of the strangers as a lighter trip than Acid, all declined and seemed wildly concerned about my combining LSD (the most powerful psychedelic any of them had ever tried) with any drug but weed (the worst thing you can take while tripping on LSD, in my opinion). They were plain scared of the off white powder and my long winded explanation that I kept trying to sum up with "It's just like Mushrooms...", but then continue to ramble on in my layman's chemistry terms. This only made things worse as I felt myself talking too fast on a subject I had already lost the audience's ear on, I felt the worst trip I'd had in awhile starting to fire up and that panicky rat every psychonaut of good standing knows all too well began chewing on the wires of my brain. Totally hypothetical terrors were bubbling up in my mind, quite without thinking I took a 5mg Etizolam capsule (my usual dose in those days), which actually drew a quiet gasp from the onlookers who were trying to just go with it, but I was scaring them and Dave took me for a walk as he noticed the stand-off building. We walked around outside his apartment smoking some weed, and out in the cold with Dave it felt alright, even the gas-on-the-fire of Cannabis didn't seem to alarm me like it usually does on LSD, and soon Dave convinced me to go back inside and try again, to which I agreed.

We got back inside and as soon as I made eye contact with the terrified strangers, the panic came back and I knew I had to leave for sure. I tried to simply relax but no one was saying anything and I felt like a vampire in the room, soon simply relenting and heading for home, telling Dave away from his friends that I just can't get comfortable. He asked if it was related to any of the weird stuff I had taken after the Acid, to which I disagreed, but wasn't up to arguing about drug safety with someone who didn't know RC's even existed. People like this worry me, as they are prime targets for counterfeit drugs. I eventually hooked up with Dave again, by ourselves, and explained some of the basics of analogues and homologues, to which he seemed satisfied, even curious (we would try 4-AcO-MET a week or so later: Winner and one of Dave's favorite psychedelics), but on the night in question he just thought me a doped up lunatic.

Now the cautionary part; I drove home. Don't do this, on anything, but really not with two blotters of Acid spinning your disc and a cap of Miprocin backing it up, throw a high powered downer like Etizolam on top and you've got rolling death on four wheels. I lived minutes away, but the ride was still filled with moments of fading or sliding awareness of my actions. I made it home gratefully (the whole ride was maybe 5 minutes in all) and put on a familiar movie to try and come back to zero. Between the strangers and the ride I was thoroughly fucking mortified, I rolled a joint and went outside to try and recapture the respite I had gotten at Dave's when we went for the walk, but I got my atypical response during bad Acid trips and the whole thing got worse. I took another 5mg cap of Tizzle and waited for the dawn in a distracted, fearful way that almost inevitably makes me reconsider psychedelics...then the next weekend would come, and I'd get right back on the horse. Bad trips are par for the course, and etizolam has aided me greatly in the worst of them! It's just not such a good idea to drive, no matter how shook up I am nor how desperate I may be for escape.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 114120
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jun 15, 2020Views: 1,012
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LSD (2), 4-HO-MiPT (342) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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