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First Time Insufflating This Substance
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "First Time Insufflating This Substance: An Experience with MDMA (exp112952)". Apr 1, 2019.

75 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
First Time Insufflating MDMA
I am not a fan of snorting drugs, mostly due to bad experiences with cocaine where the insufflation never stops and real damage occurs, it hurts to breathe through the nose, horribly colored snot, and of course, the blood. I snorted my way to having pinholes for sinuses, I just kept doing it because the other option was a cook-up, and I didn't want to go down that road...again. The practice of insufflation stuck as something I do not enjoy. Snorting is my least favorite ROA for any compound, though I still do it from time to time if the mood is right. DPT for instance, is a powerful tryptamine along the lines of DMT, but it needs to be vaped or snorted for a proper effect. I hear vaping DPT feels even weirder than snorting it, so that's the ROA I decided on. To make this brief, on occasion I bite the bullet and roll up a $20 to make some powder(s) disappear. Today, for reasons no one can rightly explain, I wanted to find out what snorted MDMA feels like.

Many people who buy MDMA these days buy it in crystals, no longer in caps or pills, so the notion of snorting the stuff probably came pretty naturally when the crystals themselves started being sold in grams and half-grams, rather than individualized doses. I've seen people snort crushed "Ecstasy" pills back in the day, but one never knew what was in those, and I never had the gall to snort it.

This was Marquis tested (blackish-purple and some fizzing), so I guessed it was genuine. I'd tried Molly a few times orally so I had an idea of what to expect, albeit faster and stronger in on-set. I weighed out 75mgs of crystal on my .000 scale, crushed the crystals to powder, and while I knew it would burn from watching others do it, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I've had Yopo--this really wasn't so bad. The effects were a lot quicker, I am now about 40 minutes into the snorted-MDMA experience, and it feels more like edging toward the 2 hour mark of an oral dose. This also means the roll will be much shorter, but I'm fine with that.

I should note that I used far less material than usual for an oral dose; in a capsule I take at least 200mgs and usually boost. 75mgs seems to be pretty cool, and the side effects of my larger oral doses are minimized: No sweating, jaw clenching, overheating, urine retention or Nystigymus (eye wiggle that makes it hard to read) seem to be present. To minimize these unpleasant effects from the higher oral doses I need to achieve any effects from MDMA, I may stick to this ROA. It's corrosive, but so was all that cocaine, and I'm not nearly as big an Ecstasy guy as I was for cocaine. I don't think a few times a year is gonna do any more damage than coke already has.

In short, for me anyway, I use a less toxic amount of M when I snort it, and actually feel good instead of heavily poisoned.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112952
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Apr 1, 2019Views: 6,650
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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