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The Un-huasca
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora)
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "The Un-huasca: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora) (exp112720)". Erowid.org. May 27, 2020. erowid.org/exp/112720

10 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  3 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
    repeated   Cannabis  
I was listening to a lot of Terrence McKenna lectures on YouTube as I was something of a believer in the whole "Plant Teacher" idea at the time (I've since taken on more of Dennis McKenna's stance that synthetic psychedelics shouldn't be dismissed just because they aren't from natural sources). Of course, McKenna's most famous talks are on DMT. His talk of gnomes and other worlds was fascinating, so I decided it was time to brew up some Ayahuasca of my own. There are several Canadian ethnobotany sites who carry the fixin's (sorry DEA, eh?) but I was having trouble locking down the ingredients for real Ayahuasca as the P. Viridis and B. Caapi was perennially out of stock on every in-Canada vendor's website. Not surprising, as this was the height of Ayahuasca's popularity, when all the coked out celebrities were drinking it, so finding actual Psychotria Viridis leaves was hard as nails, and B. Caapi was pretty much out of the question. No doubt about it, I would need substitutes for my brew, which could no longer be formally called Ayahuasca just because it was a draught of DMT and Harmalas; you can't rightly call tea coffee just because both have caffeine in them, can you?

The next easiest choice for a DMT source was bark from the Mimosa Hostilis tree, and in place of B. Caapi I ordered some Syrian Rue. The bark was pre-shredded to a fine powder, but I needed to run the seeds through a coffee grinder, tough little things took a lot of grinding. With my ingredients powdered, I set about making everything into homemade tea bags
I set about making everything into homemade tea bags
, which are just coffee filters tied shut with twine or something. I then began the process that this chore really is. First, I used lemon juice spiked distilled water (lemon juice provides acid needed for extraction) and brought it to a boil, then lowered the heat to a simmer. Distilled water isn't all that important to drug brews unless you want to store them, but it made sense when my guru at the time said the Chloramine in this city's tap water will destroy any alkaloids it removes...

I made up the Syrian Rue tea first, by means of boiling out and collecting 3 washes and reducing this to about a cup or two through low heat evaporation. I set this tea in the refrigerator since it would be awhile before drinking it...I now had something like 8 hours of DMT extraction to do with the bark the same way I did the seeds. Boil out in basified water and make a final reduction. In all, it took something like 7 1/2 hours. This stuff is ceremonial, not recreational, so time and effort shouldn't matter, but bear in mind, it takes damn near a full work day to brew up this stuff.

So, my tea's are ready and I down the Rue tea as quickly as I can. As expected, it is wretched. I had to wait for the Harmalas to go into effect before drinking the bark tea, so I dicked around on YouTube while things got slowly trippier and trippier. I watched an adorable German girl get Yopo shot into her nose and she became my favourite YouTube personality then and there. She was perfect, no English, cute as a button, and a drug pin cushion. I was watching a few more of her videos, one where she does Ketamine with this Harem Scarem looking dude, when I knew the Harmalas were working, I felt somewhat drunk and when I closed my eyes things got very colorful. I then drank the Mimosa brew...good god, if I thought the Syrian Rue tea tasted bad, it was a joy compared to this. It had the flavor and texture of vomit, and I had to drink a coffee mug of it. I tried just slamming it like I did the Rue, but it was no good, the gag reflex activated and I had to drink it in steps. Finally though, it was all gone.

I think I missed on the DMT. The Harmalas definitely hit, but I never went into DMT lift off. There were some effects, tracers mostly and a bit of colour, but nothing really spectacular or life changing. No purging. No "one-with-the-universe" sensations (I get stronger connections to the earth from Magic Mushrooms and more "Center of the Universe" notions with LSD). I'm pretty sure I shot too low with the Mimosa Hostilis bark
I'm pretty sure I shot too low with the Mimosa Hostilis bark
, but it was my first time and I didn't want my head exploding. The time it took kept me from trying it again, but I've tried the seeds on their own, with a pot cookie and with P. Cubensis mushrooms. They were all pretty cool with the addition of Syrian Rue, though Harmalas can be a bit nauseating. There's also pretty strict dietary restrictions when taking Harmalas or any MAOI.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 112720
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 786
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Syrian Rue (45), Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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