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Becoming One With My Chair
4-HO-MET, 3-FEA, Diphenidine & Amyl Nitrite
Citation:   veroni. "Becoming One With My Chair: An Experience with 4-HO-MET, 3-FEA, Diphenidine & Amyl Nitrite (exp112391)". Erowid.org. Sep 27, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112391

T+ 0:00
15 mg rectal 4-HO-MET
  T+ 0:00 10-20 mg vaporized Diphenidine
  T+ 0:00   inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites
  T+ 1:00 50 mg rectal 3-Fluoroethamphetamine
Becoming One With My Chair in a Vibrating Warm

Last Friday I decided I needed to unwind from the long week. I hadn't experienced 4-HO-MET in a while and I decided it would entertain me for the night, and perhaps provide new insights. In order to save material and not have the experience drag on forever I chose to plug the substance - 15mg dissolved in warm water.

The familiar tryptamine body feeling soon ensued, and I decided I would vape a bit of diphenidine from of my oil burner (estimated 10-20mg). This immediately made the trip much more enjoyable. My vision was still mostly unaffected - save for for a bit of rainbow-y breathing on my popcorn ceiling - but the diphenidine kicked it up a little. Still desiring a little more oomph, I inhaled some amyl nitrite and spent the next 20 minutes lying in bed listening to music with a sleeping mask on, marveling at the kaleidoscope of colors and checkers. The hallucinations were by no means crazy or unexpected, but I found them pleasantly enjoyable nonetheless.

About an hour into the experience the idea of adding 3-FEA to the mix came to mind. I had only used it once before, and it was a rather lackluster experience. 60mg insufflated produced a barely noticeable euphoria and a bit of warmth. I remember saying to myself, then, that I would have to enjoy the substance without company to fully experience its effects.

Not intending to stay up all night I decided to also plug this: 50mg to be exact. The come-up was quick, yet smooth - my body was slowly being encompassed in a strange, pleasant warmth. I had anticipated a sort of mushy/vague serotonin feeling, similar to that of mexedrone, 6-APB or MDMA if you disregard the stimulant aspects of the latter. This was different; it felt like every cell in my body was vibrating and tingling, producing a euphoric warmth. The feeling was distinctly different from the kind of warmth I feel when I'm hot, or when vasodilation occurs from the effects of alkyl nitrites or a hot shower. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced in my years of sampling all RCs I can get my hands on, and it synergised perfectly with the 4-HO-MET and the residual effects of the diphenidine. Never had I felt so content in my life.

I spent the rest of the evening melting in my chair listening to some chill progressive house, which seemed perfect for the occasion. I had expected the 3-FEA to fade rather quickly, as the duration on the wiki is listed as 1-2 hours for insufflation. However, I found that it only tapered off rather slowly. When I tried to fall asleep 4 hours in I was still enjoying its effects. Sleep followed in the next 1-2 hours, though it proved more difficult than I had imagined. Although I must stress I have trouble sleeping on practically everything without the aid of benzos, which I did not have on hand for this occasion.

The 3-FEA turned a rather stereotypical, perhaps even a little mundane experience into something incredibly unique. I have sampled over 50 compounds over the years on many different occasions - often combined. Still, this experience blew me away by how pleasant and fun it was.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112391
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 27, 2018Views: 3,122
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4-HO-MET (436), 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (786) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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