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The Real Thing
Tobacco - Nicotiana rustica
Citation:   Mapacho user. "The Real Thing: An Experience with Tobacco - Nicotiana rustica (exp111078)". Oct 5, 2017.

8 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco (daily)
My ethnobotanical supplier proposed for a short period of time organic mapacho tobacco, grown and harvested in Peruvian Amazon. I bought two big cylinders of rolled leaves looking like huge cigars and weighing around 800 grams each. The price was something like 4 times less than commercial tobacco.

I smoked the whole thing in something like four months as cigarettes (8 to 10 cigarettes/day). I cut pieces of leaf the length of a rolling paper, rolled them and put them in a rolling paper. The taste wasn't exactly the same from one cigarette to another. The effect was a strong buzz, better and cleaner than commercial tobacco. I could see why this is a sacred plant to native people. I had at times the sensation that a spirit was giving me bits of information, something that never happens with regular tobacco.

It still is tobacco, and so is addictive and bad for the lungs. There were no additives that tobacco company put in their shit to increase absorption and sooth the irritation caused by the smoke, so mapacho seemed a bit heavier on the lungs, while still feeling cleaner, than regular cigarettes.
Mapacho tastes better, doesn't makes the fingers yellow at all, barely leaves an odour on the fingers and leaves less of a stinking 'cold tobacco' smell in the room where it has been smoked.

When I ran out of mapacho, I quit smoking for a while. It was a lot easier than quitting smoking commercial cigarettes. A LOT! Not 'snapping your fingers' easy, but with a lot less side-effects like depression, less cravings, for a shorter time. Quitting after four months of use was way easier than quitting commercial tobacco after one month of use.

As a nicotine addict, it is unhealthy for me to smoke mapacho, but I have the feeling that if I had started smoking mapacho instead of regular cigarettes when I was in my teens, I would not have been hooked the same way, or maybe after a longer time of daily use. All the smokers who tried mapacho with me were impressed and wanted to buy some in place of the regular shit.

My supplier doesnt sell mapacho anymore, probably due to legal problems.
No additives makes a difference, organically grown makes a difference, all tobacco aren't the same (rustica is far better than tabacum, for sure).

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 111078
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Oct 5, 2017Views: 3,128
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Tobacco (47) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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