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5-HTP Taken Consistently
by Eric
Citation:   Eric. "5-HTP Taken Consistently: An Experience with 5-HTP (exp11086)". Dec 6, 2001.

350 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP
Everyday for the past two months (stopping of course during the occasional AMT trip) i have taken 350mg of 5-htp at night with suprisingly good results. From the first night immediate results were felt in the form of a deep sleep followed by a marked relief from my moderate/severe depression. Since then, however, the degree to which the depression has diminished is perhaps less evident, yet the somatic effects are still quite potent. I think 5-htp may have less use for me as an anti-depressant than as a sleep aid. Nonetheless, it's worth my ten dollars.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11086
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2001Views: 33,110
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Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196) : Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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