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A Single Hit Will Make Me Lightheaded
Lactusa virosa
Citation:   Mysterious Stranger. "A Single Hit Will Make Me Lightheaded: An Experience with Lactusa virosa (exp110382)". Erowid.org. Apr 30, 2019. erowid.org/exp/110382

1 hit smoked Lactuca - L. virosa (extract)
Tek and Experrience for Wild Lettuce

This is a recipe and a practice for the smoking of Lactusa Virosa.

28 g Lactusa Virosa dried leaves and branches
more or less 2 big masson jars of water (including the jars)

14g of Lactusa Virosa in each jar with warm water from the tap. Mixed every 2 hours for 8 hours. The liquid becomes black. Strain the leaves and collect the black water. I don't throw away the leaves. Keep at least 3g to dry by the window. Warm over the stove for 24h at LOW temperature until the water becomes a tarry black substance (for me, it was about 5-8 mm away from the bottom of my pot). Collect the substance and mix it with the Lettuce's mix that has been drying by the window.

This gives me about 3-4g of a black tarry herb. Depending on its humidity, it takes more or less time to burn. I smoke it in a typical weed bong, a single hit will make me lightheaded. This is a very chill smoking, contrary to the raw herb or the thicker, hash-like residue which can be obtained by warming the substance beyond its point of tarry liquidity.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 2,224
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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