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Very Relaxing
Indian Warrior
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Very Relaxing: An Experience with Indian Warrior (exp110044)". Jun 28, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 cig. smoked Indian Warrior (flowers)
  T+ 0:05 1 bowl smoked Indian Warrior (flowers)
  T+ 0:15 1 bowl smoked Indian Warrior (flowers)
  T+ 0:30   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I first read about this herb online. Was quite interested in it due to I can not smoke cannabis due to random drug testing at my job. I have mainly seeked out this for a substitute for cannabis and to help with my back pain and anxiety I have and currently use diazapam and oxymorphone for the alignment.

First ground up some of the flowers. Not much smell but a deep purple color. And rolled a joint and a packed a bowl.

00:00 Smoked a joint. Light smoke, not much taste, light stoned feeling and proceeded to finish the joint. I haven't felt much after yet.
00:05 I decided to hit the bowl and it packs much more of a punch or the effects started to kick in. Complete body muscle relaxation more of a stronger buzz in the head.
00:15 Smoked another bowl since the effects were quite pleasant. More of a stronger body relaxation and stronger buzz as expected.
00:30 Now eating dinner and drinking wine. The effects are much stronger quite a head buzz and full on muscle relaxation. Little anxiety. Alcohol may have made effects stronger slightly not sure about it.

Overall this is a good herb for me, who can not smoke cannabis. Very well for insomnia I must note.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110044
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 28, 2018Views: 3,457
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Indian Warrior (531) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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