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It Still Tortures Me Mentally
Citation:   chakrakeed. "It Still Tortures Me Mentally: An Experience with 25B-NBOMe (exp108534)". Erowid.org. May 19, 2016. erowid.org/exp/108534

    repeated   25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
25b NBOMe Bad Trip

I've experience a very very bad 25-b trip and it still tortures me mentally and I've decided to share it, hopefully someone has experienced something similar!

One night (after a bad day) my friends and I were partying in my friends' house. We're pretty big MDMA users, but prior to this I've experimented with magic mushrooms, cocaine, weed, hash, speed, MDMA, pills but this time I said I didn't want to take anything because of my bad day, I knew I wouldn't have enjoyed it. After a fair bit of peer pressure I decided to take some MDMA. I'm quite a big MDMA user so it didn't mean much to me. One of my friends had 25-b tabs (trips) which I've never heard of before but had always thought about taking 2C-B and I didn't understand the difference
One of my friends had 25-b tabs (trips) which I've never heard of before but had always thought about taking 2C-B and I didn't understand the difference
, so a few of us decided to take them. We took them in quarters first. After awhile of not feeling much, we took another, and another until we got to the point where we lost count...

The first few hours was amazing, I was giggling and laughing. Me and my friend sat out and watched the stars, we talked and talked and it was so beautiful. We kept talking about how beautiful it was, not even MDMA gave me a love buzz like this. We sat down and listened to psytrance, which was very intense but it was nice.

Anyway, one of my friends starts freaking out and crying because she was so confused and ended up going home. When she got home we decided to turn the music off and chill... All of a sudden my heart started racing, really fast... I told my friend my heart is acting up, it got worse and worse and I started screaming at my friend telling him I'm having a heart attack. I wasn't having a heart attack, I was just tripping. Next thing I see is my friends freeze and everything turn grey. I thought it was the end, I heard church bells and ambulance sirens and I collapse on the floor, I open my eyes seconds later asking my friends what just happened. I couldn't even remember what I had said. I thought I had died.

My friend, who's very good at calming people kept reminding me I was just tripping, and that I wasn't having a heart attack. I kept having him to remind me, but every time I looked at my hands they were covered in blood. Every where I looked I saw blood, like a crazy murder scene, my heart was racing really really fast. There was blood pouring out of my eyes and every time I looked at my body it was completely open, I could see my ribs and see blood all over me. At this point I half understood I wasn't dying, but my palpitations kept making me think I was having heart attacks, as soon as my friends reminded me I wasn't I remembered that I was just tripping. This went on for a good few hours, I screamed the whole way.

Anyway, 2 months and a lot of sessions later, I hadn't touched the stuff. Went to a nightclub and had an after party, again taking my usual MDMA. Didn't touch pills, coke, only MDMA, which I had left in my bedroom. All the MDMA I took was bits of the end of bags which I took before, except one was a bomb that I found in my bedroom, I presumed I dropped it one night recently and had forgotten, since I cleaned my room regularly and never saw it before. At about 8 am the next morning I decided to go to bed. I started tripping again like I did on 25-b. I hadn't taken 25-b
At about 8 am the next morning I decided to go to bed. I started tripping again like I did on 25-b. I hadn't taken 25-b
, and I didn't know anyone in my house that had. The bomb I found was brown rocks, like crystals. I was sure it was MDMA because no one ever had powdered 25-b in my house. Ended up having to call the ambulance and go to A&E.

Could it be that my trip was reoccurring? Like people say that happens with acid? I don't think the bomb I found had 25-b in it, but I definitely was on 25-b. I don't think anyone spiked me either, but there was a lot of people I didn't know in my house.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108534
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 19, 2016Views: 3,392
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25B-NBOMe (564) : Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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