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Delayed But Packed A Punch
Citation:   RedVeinFox. "Delayed But Packed A Punch: An Experience with Kratom (exp107949)". Erowid.org. Apr 24, 2018. erowid.org/exp/107949

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:30 1 cup oral Tea  
A little background: I have a fair amount of experience with a varying array of substances (weed, codeine, sedatives, opium, lotus, “spice”) and in spite of having thoroughly enjoyed many of them I had decided to cease with the harder among them and all but cease smoking anything. However after having done some reading on Kratom I decided to purchase a 10 gram of Bali Red Vein powder from a local headshop, and whilst the experience was in no way unpleasant (I took maximum 3gs in one sitting) I found myself feeling rather disappointed by the strength of the effects (granted I often over-estimate how strongly a substance will affect me).

Flash forward to 3 months ago: I had a bit of loose change in hand and after discussing Kratom with my long-time girlfriend (for privacy reasons I’m going to refer to her as VV), we decided to get another 10g packet of red vein and give it another go.

Location: VV’s parents house

Time: 5:30pm

Mindset: Slightly uneasy, VV reacts quite strongly to anything save alcohol and salvia which was causing some concern. In spite of this, I was relatively relaxed.

Experience: Around 5:30 pm, almost immediately after a post-dinner dispersal of family members, VV puts on a movie, grabs 2 identical glasses and the kratom. After a few jokes regarding the labels we poured approx 5 grams of powder into each glass. With the memory of kratom’s less-than-stellar flavour still fresh in mind, we decided to mix it with grape juice instead of water (Note: it doesn’t dissolve well in liquids, but it’s still much better than consuming it dry). With that down the hatch we curled up on the couch to enjoy the movie…

After about an hour and a half we got up to make a cup of tea, I no longer felt any sensation from the knees down, mostly feeling tingly, but nothing much else, an interesting contrast to VV’s sensation of being ridiculously weighed down. Tea made, we returned to the couch for another movie, this time with my girlfriends head in my lap.

Now here, approx an hour and a half into the next film, things started to get interesting. The opium-like feelings of this “special Kr” crept up and pounced on the both of us! Almost out of nowhere I felt… Numbed, unmotivated, very comfortable, not-particularly interested in anything, and yet, at peace.
Almost out of nowhere I felt… Numbed, unmotivated, very comfortable, not-particularly interested in anything, and yet, at peace.
This is certainly not something I wouldn't take large amounts of if I'm trying to watch a comedy, because I really wouldn't care at all about it. About this time VV began to mumble about feeling scared and not being able to move, it took an enormous amount of will to bring words of reassurance to her until she passed out about 15 minutes later.

At this point the room had begun rocking back-and-forth at a steady pace so I decided to just try and ride it out. Around midnight the world had mostly settled and VV was back in the conscious realm, albeit drowsy and unwilling to go anywhere. Both in a hazy state we decided to spend the night on the couch and were out in an instant. The next morning I awoke with a very mild headache and a pleasant demeanour regarding the world in general.

Would I try it again? Sure, but perhaps sitting on the deck on a nice, warm evening, It's fine for relaxing inside too, but certainly doesn't improve the movie-watching experience.

Thus, I have come to a few conclusions:
-Kratom should be taken on an empty stomach as then it’ll take about 30 minutes to kick in as opposed to 2 hours.
-Red vein kratom does have an opiate-like effect at 4+ grams.
-Not something I would take at a large party (small house party maybe, but not a big one).
-I can definitely see how taking around 3 grams can make a job feel more doable.
-(regarding the first time I took it) 3 grams of red vein powder made some video games easier to play as it made it more difficult to get frustrated.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 24, 2018Views: 1,075
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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